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Floyd's eyes widened in disbelief as he saw all of his brothers arrive along with Viva, Poppy, and Creek.

He weakly stood up as Branch ran over and pressed himself against the prison, trying to hug him.

Floyd did the same thing, wishing he could actually hug his baby brother.

Then they heard Velvet and Veneer coming back and Creek pulled Branch away as Branch reached towards him with wide eyes as he whispered, "Bye...see you later.."

Floyd nearly cried, those were his exact words as a baby when he'd left!

He held back his tears as he went back to his original position.

Velvet scowled as she walked in and grabbed him, "Stupid! Why couldn't BroZone show up?!"

Veneer sighed with a frown and shook his head.

Then Velvet sprayed Veneer and put Floyd in one of her shoulder pads, "Whatever, come on."

They both left.

The others followed them through the vent system, Branch in the lead, making sure they didn't lose sight of Floyd.

Soon they got to the red carpet where Velvet and Veneer would be at.

Creek drove Rhonda in front of them as Branch got out and screamed at them, "VELVET AND VENEER!" He noticed cameras pointed at him but he ignored them, "GIVE ME BACK MY BIG BROTHER!" He shrieked.

Then JD, Bruce, and Clay got out, standing beside Branch protectively.

Then Velvet reached out, it seemed she had completely forgotten they were surrounded by people and many cameras.

She grabbed Branch tight and threw him off the platform making many people scream in shock and terror.

At that moment Floyd seemed to come alive as he jumped up and screamed as loud as he could, "MY BABY BROTHER! NO!! HOW COULD YOU?! BRANCH! YOU KILLED HIM! YOU KILLED MY BABY BROTHER! WHY?! HOW COULD YOU BE SO HEARTLESS! YOU SELFISH BITCH!" He shrieked as he began sobbing.

He sat on his knees in the prison, not caring that a camera was pointed directly at him.

Then he heard his brothers gasp and he looked down at them.

He sobbed in relief, Baby Branch was unconscious but seemed mostly okay as he layed on the camera that saved his life.

The camera was now laying on the ground with multiple cameras pointed at it as multiple security gaurds ran over to help Floyd and to arrest Velvet and Veneer.

As Branch was unconscious the older siblings all ran over to help him.

Viva pulled him onto her lap as she cried, "I just got you back..I'm never letting you out of my sight again!"

Clay nodded as he grabbed one of Branch's hand, "Never again baby brother."

Creek ran his fingers through Branch's hair, "Trouble magnet.." he sobbed, "Our baby brother..."

Poppy sat next to Viva with Branch's feet on her lap, "We'll protect you forever." She cried.

Bruce held Branch's other hand, "We won't let them hurt you.."

JD sat near his head as he spoke, "It's okay, it's okay, your siblings are here.."

Once Floyd was finally freed he ran over to them, he pressed his forehead against Branch's and sang to him softly, "The monsters gone, he's on the run, and your siblings are here...beautiful, beautiful, beautiful..beautiful boy~"

Floyd cried softly as he hugged Branch tight, the siblings all cuddled together as they cried and hovered over Branch in a protective way.

"Everything's gonna be fine baby brother..we promise..."

Protecting BranchWhere stories live. Discover now