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Bruce is very upset with his child.

He heard from Poppy about what happened and Brandy told him that she'd asked the child at least twice, to put Branch down.

Bruce knows that the five year old knows to listen to their mother, especially when she spoke the way she did.

So he just doesn't understand why.

Why is this the one time she didn't listen?

He sighed as he walked into the room, "Hey Brin, I have a few questions I need to ask you."

The girl looked up with a grin, "Daddy!"

Bruce rubbed his forehead, "Why didn't you listen when your mother told you to put Branch down? Why didn't you put him down after he screamed?"

Brin seemed to think as she smiled, "Well I didn't wanna put him down!"

Bruce crossed his arms, "Brin. You're grounded for a week."

Brin frowned, "But why?"

"You didn't listen to your mother, you didn't play nice, you didn't read body language, and you didn't ask permission to touch Branch. You always need consent to touch someone you don't know, and it's polite to ask permission even if you know them." Bruce said.

Brin got upset, "Well he never told me to stop!"

Bruce raised an eyebrow at the child, "Because he was panicked. He called you a bergen and you know what a bergen is, I know you do. Is that what you wanna be, Brin? Do you wanna be one of the creatures that eat trolls?"

Brin backed down and shook her head, "No..."

Bruce nodded, "I thought so, now Brin, I love you, you know that, okay? But you're still grounded for a week."

Brin nodded, "I know.."

Bruce nodded and left the room, he then walked back to his brothers, "Sorry about that, I just needed to have a little talk with Brin."

JD shrugged, "We don't mind. Oh, also, Poppy's our sister."

Bruce nodded, "Oh, that's ni-WAIT WHAT?!"

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