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Smidge knew she was young but that did NOT mean that she was stupid. Not. At. All.

She'd seen the way people would look at Branch in disgust, how they would watch his every move.

It annoyed her to no end and she finally had enough.

It was a day when she and Branch were just walking around the park quietly, neither of them speaking or humming.

But then she heard an adult speaking about Branch.

Now at first she didn't think anything of it, but then she noticed the dark looks and their smirks.

She frowned and looked up at Branch who hadn't spoken in many years.

Branch didn't pay any mind to the adults so she let it slide.

Until she heard them make a bergen sound.

Now Smidge hadn't been born when the bergens were around, but her parents always made the sounds the bergens made just so she would know.

She looked up at Branch who froze with wide eyes.

He took a deep breath.

She paled.

Branch screamed as loud as he could and took off running.

She chased after Branch, "BRANCH! BRANCH WAIT! IT'S OKAY!" She yelled desperately.

She noticed Poppy and Creek in the distance, "POPPY! CREEK! STOP HIM!" She screamed.

The older two looked up with a smile before frowning, they quickly noticed Branch running and screaming which worried them.

Branch nearly ran by them but Creek quickly moved in front of him, bracing for the impact of the younger troll.

Once they crashed and fell to the ground, Creek hugged Branch tight and rubbed his back, "Shhhh, shhh, hey, come on, what's wrong buddy?" He asked gently.

Branch began to cry as he pointed towards the park and Smidge spoke up, "We were out on our walk when I noticed two adults looking at Branch weird, they smirked but I didn't think they would do anything, but then they made the same sound that...they...would make.."

Poppy gasped and covered her mouth as Creek narrowed his eyes.

"Please tell me you dealt with them." He said.

Smidge shook her head, "I was worried about Branch, I really didn't want him to run into the forest either, and he would of made it had you two not been here.."

Creek sighed, "Please go take care of them.." he said as he held Branch tight.

Poppy nodded, "Yes, make sure they pay for this."

Smidge grinned and nodded, "On it." She said.

Smidge walked back to the park and saw both adults laughing on the ground, she scowled and walked up to them, "HEY!" She yelled.

They both looked at her, "Yes?" One asked.

Smidge growled, "You both scared Branch. Did you not?"

They both burst into laughter once again, "Oh, you should of seen his face!"

Smidge scowled, "I'm gonna make you pay."

They both looked at her then grinned, "What are you gonna do? We can go to King Peppy if you hurt us!"

Smidge raised an eyebrow, "Are you guys that stupid? Branch is King Peppy's youngest child. And you've just traumatized him even more."

She watched as both adults straightened up and slowly pale as they registered her words, "King Peppy's..y-youngest..?"

Smidge smirked, "Yep. What do you think he'll do once he realizes what you've done to Branch? Will he kick you out of the village? Send you back to bergen town, even? I guess we'll find out!~"

"Wait! What do you want from us?! If you keep it a secret we promise to do anything you want!" One of them said desperately as the other nodded.

Smidge pretended to think, "I want both of you to leave Branch alone, forever."

They both nodded and ran off.

Smidge grinned, "Two less people for Branch to be bullied by." She frowned and sighed, "Too many he continues to be bullied by."

Protecting BranchWhere stories live. Discover now