Riff and Sid Fret

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They were walking around pop village when they heard shouting, they looked at eachother silently and peeked over a bush.

They saw Branch in a circle of people, curled up on the ground and covering his ears.

Riff scowled, "I swear."

Sid Fret looked at him and nodded.

Riff nodded back.

They both jumped out from behind the bushes and Riff screamed, "GET AWAY FROM HIM!" As Sid Fret ran towards the group.

The group was startled and yelped as they ran away, Sid Fret kneeled next to Branch and gently sat him up, "You okay..?"

Branch just sat there shaking and covering his ears as Riff ran over to them.

"Ignore them Branch, they're assholes." He said.

Branch looked up at them and smiled a bit, "I-It's okay..I'm u-used to it.."

Riff and Sid Fret frowned, "You shouldn't be used to it.." Sid Fret said concerned.

Riff nodded, "I don't care who they are or what you may or may not have done but I know for a fact that you of all people do NOT deserve that kind of..treatment.."

Sid Fret nodded, "I find it disturbing that they could bully you like that out in the open, so freely without a care."

Branch shrugged, "I'm grey, and a death magnet...and a bad luck charm...and an adopted brat.."

Riff and Sid Fret scowled, "You may be grey but that shows your trauma, you are not a death magnet or a bad luck charm, and you're definitely not a brat." Riff said.

Branch shrugged, "But I've been grey for over twenty years..."

Sid Fret raised an eyebrow, "So?"

"I got my grandma killed by singing!"

Riff shook his head, "You were a four year old who didn't completely understand the danger."

"My oldest sibling is dead!"

"She might be alive and in hiding Branch.." Sid Fret said reasonably.

"My brothers abandoned me!"

"That's their loss." Riff said.

"I scream and cry and cover my ears and bounce and annoy people and correct them a lot! And I need things to be MY way!"

Sid Fret and Riff crossed their arms and spoke in unison, "You're autistic. Not bratty." They said.

Branch huffed, "You're both making it difficult for me to find a way to hate myself!"

They both grinned, "Good." Riff said.

"Now how about we all go back into pop village? I have some..business...to take care of.." Sid Fret said.

Branch nodded as Riff helped him up, "Alright! Let's go this way! There's lots of pretty flowers and I wanna get one for Poppy! Her birthday's coming up!"

The rock trolls smiled and nodded, "Well let's go then! Lead the way Branch!" Riff said softly.

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