•Chapter 37•

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"I am sorry, Nate" Nate's hands stopped moving through Amara's hair. He knew full well what she was talking about.


"No, please don't say that you don't want to talk about it, you want to forget it or anything" after their date, they were back at Nate's apartment. They were on sofa. Amara was nestled in his lap between his arms.

"Why do you want to talk about it?"

"Nate I don't want to live with this guilt. I can't stand being identified as a murderer. I aborted my baby, your, our baby without even letting you know that you are about to be a father. I didn't ask what you think about it"

Nate sighed, the weight of Amara's confession settling heavily between them. He tightened his grip around her, a mix of emotions flickering across his face before he settled on a calm expression.

"Amara, I understand this is difficult for you, and I appreciate your honesty," Nate began gently. "But let's not throw around labels like 'murderer.' What happened is complicated, and we both played a part in it. It's important we talk about it openly, without judgment."

Amara looked up, her eyes searching his for any signs of anger or resentment. Nate continued, "I wish you had felt comfortable enough to share this with me earlier, but I can't change the past. What's important now is how we move forward, together."

She nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. "I was scared, Nate. I didn't know how you would react, and I didn't want to burden you."

"I wish you trusted me enough to open up to me before taking that drastic step. And honestly when you told me, I was angry that you snatched the opportunity to be a father from me. But I can't always hate you.

Also I can't ask you to do something that you didn't want to. I know it is difficult for you to deal with emotions and being a parent is the most emotionally investing thing you can ever do. I would have never forced you to got with pregnancy.

But it would have been easier for you if I was by your side, holding your hand when it was your most difficult time"

"Nate I can't imagine myself being a mother when I never had a mother figure in my life. You know how absent my mother was. I don't want to raise another Amara Sullivan. So broken and alone and hurt"

Nate gently wiped away a tear from Amara's cheek. "Amara, I understand your fears and concerns. It's clear that this decision weighed heavily on you, and I can't pretend to know what you were going through. But we're in this together, and we can support each other."

He paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts. "Being a parent is undoubtedly challenging, and I can't deny that it would have been a significant change for both of us. But, Amara, I wouldn't have wanted to face it with anyone else but you. We could have figured it out together, and I would have been there for you every step of the way."

Amara looked into Nate's eyes, searching for any hint of resentment. Instead, she found understanding and a hint of sadness. Nate continued, "I know you didn't want to repeat the cycle of pain from your own upbringing, but we could have broken that cycle together. I believe we could have created a different, loving environment for our child."

She sighed, the weight of the conversation still heavy on her shoulders. "Nate, I was just so scared of being responsible for someone else's happiness, for molding a life. I felt inadequate and unprepared."

"Amara," Nate said, voice laced with tenderness, "you are more than enough. You're strong, resilient, and have a capacity for love I've never seen in anyone else. Don't let your past define you or limit your potential as a mother."

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