•Chapter 43•

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"Hey Dylan" Nate pulled him in a rather awkward hug and patted his back.

"Hey boss" he greeted back. It was awkward for both of them. Dylan and Amara had been great friends but him being Nate's employee made it a little awkward for both of them.

Nate stepped back, his eyes scanning Dylan's face, searching for any signs of discomfort or resentment. He was relieved to see that Dylan seemed to be taking it all in stride, even if there was a hint of awkwardness in his smile.

"Hey Dylan," Amara appeared from kitchen and pulled her friend in a warm hug who returned one of his own. "Come on, come inside" she pulled him behind herself to the living room where Jasper and Mini were already present. 

Jasper and Nate were co-CEO of Maroon so it was double awkward for him but he stayed put for his new best friend. He would have been first friend Amara had made As they entered the living room, the atmosphere eased a bit. Mini rushed over to Dylan pulling him in a hug.

"Welcome Dylan"

"Thank you" they all had gathered for a dinner and games night at Amara and Nate's place. After getting together Nate started the tradition to keep Amara close to a family. After spending her life without the warmth of family, it was great for her.

The group settled down on the comfortable couches, creating a cozy circle in the living room. Amara, with her developing vibrant personality, took charge of the situation. After spending her whole life as grumpy and unapproachable she had done a remarkable job in welcoming Nate and his family in her life.

"Alright, folks, let's get this game night started! I've got a few board games and card games lined up. What do you think, Dylan?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Dylan grinned, appreciating Amara's effort to break the ice. "Sounds good to me. I'm up for anything."

"Let us start with monopoly" she placed the board on table.

"What about cards?" Mini suggested pulling the deck of cards over the table.

"No, I think we should play Uno" Jasper added his own point of view.

"Uno it is, then!" Amara declared, grabbing the Uno cards with enthusiasm. The group quickly shifted their attention to the vibrant deck of cards in her hands.

As they set up the game, Nate couldn't help but glance at Dylan, silently hoping that he was truly comfortable with the situation. He had always valued his friendship with Amara and didn't want their professional relationship to jeopardize that bond. Dylan, however, seemed to be genuinely enjoying the moment, sharing laughs with Mini and exchanging playful banter with Jasper.

The Uno cards were shuffled, and the game began. The living room was soon filled with laughter and friendly competition. Amara, with her competitive spirit, was determined to win, while Nate and Jasper strategized to outsmart each other.

"I'll bring some wine" Amara took a small break to bring a bottle of red wine and glasses. Amara returned with a bottle of red wine and glasses, adding an extra touch of sophistication to the cozy game night. She poured a generous amount for everyone, making sure to top off each glass with a smile.

"To friendship, fun, and game nights!" Amara raised her glass, and the others followed suit, clinking their glasses together before taking a sip.

As the Uno game progressed, the friendly banter intensified. Mini, who seemed to be the wild card of the group, played a sneaky draw-four card, causing laughter and protests from the others.

"Dylan, my man, looks like you've got some serious competition here," Nate teased, nudging him playfully.

Dylan chuckled, enjoying the camaraderie. "Bring it on, Mini. I'm ready for the challenge."

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