update on the update, plus an update

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so before we dive into my most recent attempt (spoiler: didn't shift YET), i would like to add that the last time i tried to shift i dreamed that there was an MDZS musical---on a yacht for some reason. i don't know but i at least dreamed of my dr in some way, shape or form, so that's a good sign!!

ok so i tried again last night half using the raven method and then just sort of doing affirmations and visualization. i listened to lots of subs yesterday and scripted out a different mdzs dr (bc i came up with one i REALLY wanted to go to) and i was really excited to try to shift.

here's the problem both of my little sisters were still awake and being noisy. they were talking and laughing and when my sib and i came in to go to bed they only got worse. it took like fifteen minutes to get them to shut up and stay still and at that time my older sister was still in the shower so i was trying to wait for her to come lay down before i started making attempts. but she was taking a long time and i was starting to get really drowsy (i take this sort of extract to help me sleep properly) and i knew i would fall asleep the moment i laid down if i waited much longer so i just started trying.

i gave up after like five minutes bc my sis came in THE LITERAL MOMENT i started trying to shift and while i tried really hard i just dont have good enough focus to ignore loud noises (loud noises also scare me) so every time she coughed or shifted around too much i would lose some of my focus and i was also really sleepy so i was just like 'alright whatever. maybe i'll shift in my sleep, but if not idrc i'm tired' and so i just went to sleep.

alas i did not shift, BUT, i did dream that i got REALLY, REEEEEEEEEAAALLY close to shifting, and i also dreamed that i was listening to TGCF subs (which isn't MDZS but it's by the same author so it counts okay)

anyways i know this one was super long so sorry for the rambling but yeah. i'm going to be trying again tonight if i can (today is a good day to try bc guess what? 12/22/2023 2222 all in a row)

i can shift, and you can shift! we all can shift! we all WILL shift! don't give up my friends, just take breaks when you're tired!!

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