Chapter 21

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"Aylen? Scoups? Are you here?" Dino asks while he enters his apartment. Weirdly, the house is silent. Dino frowns confused as he scans the room. Everything seems normal, except for a cup of coffee standing on the counter. It is still full, no one took a sip out of it. Dino walks towards the cup while he tilts his head, did Scoups make Aylen coffee? When he touches the cup, he still feels some warmth. It has been standing here for some minutes, but not really long. It was clearly made after Dino left. 
"Guys?" Dino asks again, but still no response. Maybe they went out for a walk? But Dino sees Scoups' jacket lying down on the couch, so he couldn't be outside, right? And then, Scoups suddenly opens the door and walks out of his room. Dino wants to snap at him or maybe curse, but he soon realizes how miserable Scoups looks. His eyes look like they have just cried and Scoups clearly is not present in his mind.
"Scoups?" Dino asks gently and his roommate looks at him, but it feels like he's looking right through him. Then, Scoups smiles. A bright, big smile, as if nothing's wrong.
"Did you see Aylen?" Dino asks careful, but Scoups' smile drops immediatly and his eyes darken again.
"How did you know Aylen was here?" Scoups asks, a little suspicious.
"Because I invited her here", Dino answers calmly. Why is that such a big deal to Scoups?
"What?" he asks shocked. Dino gets scared looking at the anger rising up inside of his friend.
"She... She's my friend," Dino stutters, "I got some good advise from her."
"Why didn't you tell me you met her!?" Scoups suddenly yells, which causes Dino to flinch.
"Why would I have to tell you? You don't have to know everything that happens in my life!" Dino exclaims in defense.
"Because I could've told you she is my ex!" Scoups shouts and a silence forms between the two. Dino blinks shocked, but still opens his mouth.
"So that's where the cheating thing came from...", he mumbles softly.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Dino asks.
"Why did you suddenly become friends with her!?" Scoups snaps back.
"Because I didn't know she knew you! Maybe if you told me, I would've known! But..." Dino presses his lips into a thin line to prevent him from saying things he shouldn't.
"But what?" Scoups asks, this time his voice lowered down.
"But you never tell me what is happening. I always have to guess what is on your mind, it's exhausting. You can't expect me to know what to do when you don't tell me what you want me to do", Dino reasons with him, but Scoups only scoffs.
"You don't seem to tell me everything either. You have a friend I didn't know of", Scoups says and Dino opens his mouth in disbelief.
"And what's wrong with that?" he asks offended.
"We all know how it ended last time you had a friend outside of our group", Scoups mumbles and Dino can't believe his ears.
"Seriously? I'm the bad guy again? I'm only trying to have a fun life! I'm sorry I try to find happiness in others when you can't give me one!" Dino yells and Scoups looks right in his eyes. Dino swallows some spit nervously, but keeps his chin up.
"I can't give you happiness?" Scoups repeats, his voice trembles slightly.
"Look at yourself, you walk around like depression itself. I know you're having a rough time, but you can't seem to be happy at all, not even for one single second." Dino takes a deep breath, he knows he's saying things he'll regret later, but he can't help it. Scoups has to hear this.
"Sorry for going to jail," Scoups says sarcastically, "sorry for saving your life! I promise I won't do it again."
"You didn't have to go to jail that time! You didn't have to save me either!" Dino exclaims, suddenly feeling quite desperate.
"So next time you struggle with your parachute I should just let you be?" Scoups asks dryly and Dino grunts annoyed.
"That's something completely different!" Dino yells.
"No it's not! It's both me saving your ass!" Scoups shouts and Dino can't take it anymore.
"You know what, forget it", Dino says while he walks back towards the front door. He's glad he didn't take off his jacket yet.
"What are you doing?" Scoups asks, slightly worried.
"I'm going to someone who is still happy to see me", Dino states before he closes the front door behind him. He knows he just returned from them, but he deffinitely is going back to Wonwoo. His friend asked to come by more often, well Dino is doing exactly what he asked.

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