Part 4

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Chapter 4:

I felt a chill down my spine. I've been around this place for a long time and it never made me feel the feeling of insecurity. I'd always feel safe here, but now I feel it's colder here. I feel that there's no happiness at all. The building seems more terrifying now and I'm not sure if this is real, or it's just Blurryface just messing with my head. "Stop thinking about Blurryface" I yelled. I looked around fearing someone might be here, but how could there be? No one comes here except for me.

I walked around and felt disgusted by all the changes. Everything was so much dirtier. I felt fear coming over me because I kept thinking of Blurryface. I felt shivers down my spine. Everything felt colder to the touch. Anxiety kept building up the more I walked around. I felt a slight pain on my wing. I stretched my wings out and found out they were falling and they were falling fast. How will I fly now? But as I looked closer I was actually growing new and different ones, but these feathers were not white anymore. These feathers were black.

No I can't be having black feathers. This is just impossible. I can't be growing black feathers. I've never had black feathers before and this is just a new step of Blurryface taking over and as the feathers started growing back it sent a cold pain down my back, and out of insanity I began to rip out clumps of the new feathers that kept coming out, but it was no use. Black feathers keep growing back and all I was left with was my hands covered in blood. Oh god. I need to wash my hands.

I went upstairs to where the bathrooms were, breathing heavily to calm my anxiety and thank goodness the faucet is still functioning despite how old this building is. I took deep breaths as I washed away the crimson stains from my hands "Calm down, this is all in your head okay?" I said under my breath. "You're just imagining this because of Blurryface, but guess what? Blurryface isn't real" I kept reminding myself with the lie. You see Blurryface makes me go insane, and it makes me feel like I'm evil to the core and it makes me do things I don't want to do and I get more emotional and Blurryface's only purpose is to kill, but is this who I truly am? Do I not have a chance? Do I actually think I can fight this? Or am I really evil?
No...No...No I refuse to believe all this. I looked to the shattered mirror in front of me and thought 'Who is the real monster here?' I suddenly heard some glass shattering. Fear struck me immediately and instinctively, I got down to my knees and hid under the sink. I heard what seems to be someone dragging their nails against the hallway, but it soon stopped when the sound only got closer to me. I bravely stood up, but suddenly I saw a black figure with red eyes staring back at me in the broken mirror. I gasped in fear and I was swept off my feet and was dragged across the ground. I tried to hold on to something by it pulled me with such a great force that it would be impossible to grab onto something. It dragged me and threw me into a room and before I knew it. The door was locked behind me.

I didn't recognize this room because I feel like I've never been here before. It was a room full of mirrors. I honestly didn't care for the room I've never been to before. All I wanted was to escape this place. It's not safe for me anymore. I looked closer at the mirrors and saw that they all had a black smudge on them. I looked closer and before I knew it. The black smudges turned into a huge dark figures that surrounded me and kept yelling terrible things to me. I covered my ears trying to resist listening to what they have to say but it kept getting louder by the second. I began to scream in severe anguish to make it stop but it was no use.
I felt a sudden burning desire inside me. I felt a thirst for sadism, and without thinking. I threw my fist to mirror next to me and broke it. I stood up and began to run and look for an exit.

I kept on running and found out there were no exits...Unless. I looked up and found out that the ceiling was made entirely out of glass. So I strongly thrusted my wings so I could break the glass and escape, and successfully it worked. I was free and out to the open. I didn't dare to look back at that place.

I decided that I'm better off walking, so I walked around the city. Even though I know the city is full of judgmental people. I just wanted to take my thoughts of Blurryface elsewhere, and as I walked a random thought occurred to me 'I really want a ukulele'
So I walked around to see if I could find a music shop.

-Authors Note-

Heeyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Sorry I didn't update
I like how I made this with so much suspense and the way it ended
Heh heh I can't wait for the next chapter
XO Latifa

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