Chapter Fourteen - Trust

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Bridget's POV

As soon as we left the locker room, I was observing my best friend, I know when she's keeping something from me and she's not very good at it. Maybe she is not ready to tell me whatever it is that she's hiding, but I know I'll get it out of her soon.

"I have to go home fast I am not feeling well." She bid me goodbye as fast as I can even answer which is weird by the way, and I totally noticed it as I watched her skimmed her way to a bunch of students all the way out of the hallway. As soon as I reached the parking lot she's not on the bus stop anymore. Maybe the bus came early, I'll drop by her house later on to see if she's ok.

I was at home in half an hour and went for a full bath, gym day can be exhausting especially out in the field. Going downstairs I went to grab a quick dinner because I am so eager to surprise Stacy at her house.

"Don't go home late Bri." My mom called as soon as I got out the front door. It's a ten minute walk from my place to Stacy's, which is not that bad considering the calm weather a bit chilly but's ok and calm for me..zipping up my sweater I checked my phone on my pocket, still no texts from Stacy, I wonder if she's feeling better by now, since it has been two hours since we last saw each other. Finally, I reached their front porch. I rang the doorbell hoping to see Stacy open the door.

A black stray cat was looking at me weird hiding in the bushes near Aunt Emma's plants. I never like cats, they give me goosebumps when I see them, for whatever reason I cannot explain, I'd rather have a dog than a cat-no offence to cat lovers out there. I was distracted from looking at the cat when the front porch light opened and the door began to creak signalling someone is opening it from the other side. As usual, it was Aunt Emma who opened the door.

"Hey, Bridget, what a surprise, you're looking for Stacy I believe?" She hugged me and led me straight to Stacy's room.

"Stace, Bridget is here at your door." She leaned to listen and we both heard her giggle. I furrowed and motioned to Aunt Emma that it's okay I will wait until she opens the door. She tapped my back and slowly went downstairs back in the kitchen.

With a phone in her hand she opened the door and bid goodbye to the other line. Sue was blushing I can tell, something's up. Now I was wondering if she said yes to that Michael guy, I waited for her to speak first, hinting she already knows why I am here.

"Hey." Was all she can say and pretended to fix her school things in her bag.

"Okay, Stacy, you're freaking me out, I know something's up why don't you just spill it out, you seem to be ok now than when you left me hanging in school." Glancing at me but cannot look directly in my eye, she paused and gather all the effort to speak, she seemed to be confessing something big and this is very unusual, for the first time my best friend is uncomfortable with me.

"Bridget...I.. Aaa...I have a boyfriend." I almost squealed in delight, at least it's good news, but she doesn't seem that happy to tell me the news.

"That's good right? So who's the unlucky guy?" I teased her hoping the tension in the room will fade away.

"Aw, stop it!" She threw her pillow at me, "You know He's a very lucky guy."

"Yeah I bet, considering you're a virgin." Then I paused at my own words, wait, what? Don't tell me she looks this nervous because something happened already between them?

She blushed holding my hand, she placed it on her chest. "Feel it Bri, I am inlove."

"I can see that, but nothing happened between the two of you right, like you would tell me right, like I would tell you if that happens to me because we are best friends right?" She started standing up looking straight down beside her window as if in deep thought. I went to stand beside her..all of a sudden I'm hinting trouble.

"Please don't tell anybody what I am about to tell you. Even them downstairs, please Bri?" Okay. This is definitely serious!

"I promise but you must tell me first if something happened already or what?" She carefully placed her hair behind her ears as she sat down slowly on the floor.

"The way you're asking me Bri, it makes me nervous....honestly."

"Don't be, take your time, I will wait here when you are ready." But the thing is I cannot wait, that's why I went here.

Placing her hands in her cheeks she looked at me, "my boyfriend is Mr.

"What?!" I ran to pull her up shaking her shoulders in excitement. "Seriously? That's freakamazing!" If that's even a word to describe it.

"Cross my heart your secret is safe with me." We danced in circles like crazy in her room. I cannot believe it! Somehow I can feel there's a spark between them, but hadn't realize it will go this far.

"What are you going to do now? I mean your situation must be hard, seeing him in class everyday and all.." Pulling her beside me and hugging her wishing her all the luck she needs.

"Bri, I'm glad I've told you, just let me pass this stage.."

"What are you talking about, I would go for it too if I were you, I mean he's so handsome, who wouldn't right?"

She nodded and pinched me while saying, "I know, but he's mine remember that!"

"You're lucky, Stacy..." I have a hint of jealousness in her, because I like Mr. Bingley as well, and he chose her. I will support my best friend. She needs this...she needs to be happy and feel alive again and only him can do that...

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