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    Laf's POV

"Herc, what happened", John says. "The person in the stretcher is...", Herc stutters."Well? Who was it", John says. "I-it was...... Alex", he says.

 Alex? Oh no! Poor thing. John runs out and i follow right behind. They tell us to leave because they don't want any distractions. I pull out my wallet. "If you let us ride with him and stay with him i'll give you all my money", i say. "Laf, you saved all that... no don't waste it!", John says. "I'm not wasting it. I'm making sure our friend is safe", i say.

 I give the doctor all my money and grab Herc. We all get in the ambulance, with John holding Alex's hand the whole way. I really hope Alex is going to be ok. I hug Herc, who is crying, and John joins, still holding Alex's hand. 

We get to the hospital and we stay as visitors. Herc had to leave to make sure his mother was well because she was very, VERY sick. I stayed back with John because i was not willing to lose another loved one because i was not there to support them.

Alex's POV

I wake up in pain and i hear beeping. Where am i? "Lafayette, do you think Alex will be ok?", i hear someone say. "I... i don't know", the second person says sorrowfully. My eyesight is blurry so i cant really tell who they are. Until the second person points at me and screams in excitement. "AHH OH MY GOD JOHN ALEX IS AWAAAAAKEEEE!", the second person squeals. I know who that is. Lafayette. He runs to me and squeezes me tight. "OHMYGODITHOUGHTILOSTYOUUUUUU". "I'm still here Laf. Don't jinx it", i say jokingly. "JOHN LOOOOOOOOK!!!", Laf screams. John walks in the room with a cup of water and freezes. He drops the cup and runs over to me, crying. "OH MY GOD ALEXXXX!", he yells, hugging me. "I miss you too", i say. "What happened?", he says. 

"I ran away after...". I look at Laf. "He knows, Alex",  John says. "Oh ok. So yeah i was running out the party after John kissed me, and i wasn't looking where i was going. The last thing i saw was headlights and the last noise i heard was a car horn", i say. 

"Oh god, Mon Ami. Your lucky you survived. I need to tell Herc", Laf says. "Where even IS Herc", i say. "Hes taking care of his sick mother".

Baguette: Hey Herc

Hot Pants: Wazzup?

Baguette: How's your mother?

Hot Pants: Dead

Baguette: OH MY GOD!!!

Gay Turtle: ARE YOU OK?!?!

Hot Pants: Yeah i'm fine. She lived a good life. Wait... IS ALEX OK???

Baguette: Yes he is fine. He's awake.

      *Laf sends a photo of Alex laying in the hospital bed with a thumbs up*

Hot Pants: OK just making sure. I need to go to my moms funeral tommorow so i will see you guys in a couple of days

Gay Turtle: Ok. See you, Herc

Hot Pants: Before i go, i wanna at least get one text from Alex. 

Green eggs and Hamilton: one text

Gay Turtle: LOL

Hot Pants: Smart ass lol

Hot Pants: Ok bye

Gay Turtle: Bye

Green eggs and Hamilton: Bye

Baguette: Bye

                                            ~Time skip because i am really impatient >:D~ 

Alex's POV

I was walking in the streets when i saw a man that looked familiar. "Pardon me?", i say. He stops. "Are you Aaron Burr, sir?".

"It depends who's asking", he says. "I'm Alexander Hamilton, at your service, sir" i say, trying to be a gentleman. This guy was dressed really nice so he MUST be important. Aaron looks behind me and sees John from far away. "Run", he says and grabs my wrist. He runs super fast. We keep running and running. I look at my phone and see that John texted me a while ago. Then i accidentally dropped it. Burr still kept running and i couldn't get it back!  He kept on running and running but then i made him let go of my wrist so i could get my phone. I was just starting to run but then- i fell.

Aaron's POV

A hole. He fell in a hole. I couldn't save him. I had to run from John. I dont want to be tagged!

 "Uh... AlexIGottaGoBye!", i said and ran as fast as i can. I.Will.Not.Be.It.In.Tag!

Alex's POV

And he left. My only way of being rescued just ran away."BURR! BURR PLEASE COME BACK!', i yelled. No answer. No phone. No escape. Damn it. "FUCK YOU BURR!!!", i yell. He probably couldn't hear me because he ran away. DAMN IT DAMN IT DAMN IT! Well this is how i die. I hope John isn't worried. And Herc. And Laf. They are like my family.

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