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Thomas's POV

As the officers hand me the cake, James gives me a wink. I start to dig in when the cops leave. Mmmm! James knows my favorite flavor of cake!!  I take another bite and- "OWW!".

 I look down at the cake and notice a peice of metal sticking out. I pull it out and... A FILE! Madison, you saint! I use the file and quickly escape jail. Madison runs up at me and hugs me.

 "Thomas!!", he says. "Hey Mads", I say. "Wanna get revenge on Alexander for locking me up?". "W-w-well it wasnt really his fault...", Madison says. "I DONT CARE WANNA HELP OR NOT???", i say. "S-s-sure?", Madison says. "Ok. And im sorry i yelled at you, Mads.", i say. "Its ok Tommy", James says.

Alex's POV

I hear knocking at the door. "Who is it?", i say. No answer. I walk up to the door and open it. Thomas and Madison lunge at me and drag me to their dorm. Thomas ties up my arms and legs and Madison grabs duct tape. "Anything you wanna say before we tape your mouth?", Jefferson says with an evil grin on his face. "Accually yes i do, Thomas Jeffershit", i say. Thomas grabs 7 peices of long ass duck tape and tapes my mouth up really good. He then hangs me up by my hoodie on a clothing hanger in his closet and locks it. "Good luck getting out, Hamiltrash!", he says and laughs. I hear his door close and then silence

John's POV

I walk in the dorm and notice Alex isnt in the dorm. "Alex?", i say. "Aleeeeex?". I turn around to close the door when i see Jefferson. 

"THOMAS!", i yell, running up to him. "Oh hey John", he said. "Stop acting like nothing happened! You almost killed Alex and now hes missing. How did you even get out of jail? Where is Alex??". "I dont know where Alex is", Thomas says, both him and Madison looking at eachother suspiciously. "OkWeDidNothingNowLetsGoMadsByeJohn", Thomas says, taking Madisons hand and running away.

 I go to Laf's dorm and knock. Laf opens the door wearing jeans and no shirt with a messed up ponytail and out of breath. "Sorry. Me and Herc were making out. Whats up?", he says. 

"Alex is missing and your twin is acting suspicious", i say. "You think it has something to do with Alex's dissaperance?", Laf says, putting on a collared shirt with buttons and fixing his ponytail. "Why do you even tell me when you make out with Herc?", i say. "Because when i dont tell you you get curious and start asking a lot of questions. HERC LETS GO WE ARE GOING TO FIND ALEX!", Laf yells. He yells loud.

 One time in 2nd grade there was a fire and the alarm didnt go off. Laf was the only one to sniff the smoke and so he ran to the very middle of the whole elementary and yelled SUPER loud. Without him we never would have known there was a fire (Charles Lee started the fire by the way).

"Also Laf, do you by chance have a key to his dorm?", i ask. "Im his TWIN. I have a key to everything he owns that has a lock. Even his DIARY", he says. "Ok good. Lets go". We walk over to the dorm and Laf unlocks the door. We search everywhere but there isnt any sign of him. "Im going back to my dorm. I give up. We are going to look more tomorow", i say. "Im going back too", Herc says. "Ok bye! Im going to stay back and have a word with my brother", Laf says. We leave Thomas's dorm and head back.

Laf's POV:

As they walk away, i realize that we never checked the closet. Its locked. I unlock it and open it up. There is Alex, hanging on a clothing hanger all tied up. "Oh mon ami. What did they do to you?", i ask, even though he is asleep.  I am just about to get him out when i hear the door unlocking. I dash into the closet and close the door, peeking through the space in between. I see my brother and James burst in the room making out. "Wow, thats hardcore. He probaly got that from our mother", i think while giving out a silent chuckle. Once they are distracted, i grab Alex and speed out the room and back into John's dorm, where Herc and him are playing a video game. They look at me as i close the door and gasp. John pauses the game while Herc runs and grabs Alex out my arms. They untie him and get the tape off while i rest.

John's POV 

I watch as Herc and Laf leave my dorm and shut the door, leaving me and Alex some alone time. He is still passed out and on the couch. He has rope marks on his wrists and ankles. His mouth was also red from the tape being on there for so long. Poor Alex. I place him on his bed and close the door, letting him rest.

After a while, Alex finally walks out his bedroom. He then trips and falls onto his knee. "FUUUUUUCK", he yells. I help him up and he plops on the couch. "What happened earlier. I-if you dont want to talk about it then-". "Jefferson kidnappd me. He was getting revenge because according to him, I was the one who locked him up. He tied ropes on my wrists and ankles SUPER tight and put 7 peices of tape on my mouth. He hung me up on a clothing hanger which obviously means im small as fuck", Alex says, chuckling.

John's POV

 How? How can Alex crack a joke after a traumatic event? Its crazy. Alex walked away like nothing happened. I watch him flop onto his bed and soon fall asleep. I should probaly go to bed as well.

I wake up to something hitting the ground. I walk to the living room and see Alex getting up of the floor. He then starts dancing. I make sure Alex does'nt see me as he dances. He keeps dancing and honestly, im kind of curious what hes listening to. then all of a sudden, his earbusa disconnect and "Non Stop" from Miranda starts playing SUPER loud. Alex then rushes over to his phone and reconnects his earbuds. Then he starts singing "Dear Theodosia". Him and Aaron Burr know that song by heart. Its funny because Burr likes a girl named Theodosia. "Sup, Alex", i say, smirking. "OH SHIT! D-did you see all of that?", Alex asks. "Yep. ALL of it, i say. "Even the breakdancing?!", Alex says. "There was breakdancing!?!". "So you DIDNT see everything. Good." Alex says. "Im gonna go for a walk, see ya".

Alex's POV 

I walk down the streets untill i see a familiar poofy haired bastard. Jeffershit. "ALEXANDER?!?!!", he says in shock. "HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET OUT?!". "Your brother let me out", i say. "I guess the closet wasnt enough for you, huh?", Jefferson says, grabbing my neck, making me choke. I feel weak and im about to give up as Jefferson lifts me up by the neck with one arm when- CLUNK! Jefferson hits the ground and so do i. I look up and see a figure with a bat. Wait is that...

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