Thomas in jail!

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     Alex's POV

Beep! Beep! Beep! I wake up to nonstop beeping noises and i am in a unfamiliar room. "John?", i say. Then a nurse walks over and says "Sweetie, John doesn't work here". I don't care. "Where is John?!?!", i say. I try to move, but feel excruciating pain on my back. "AAAHHHHHHHH!", i scream. "Oh sweetie, stop moving". "Nurse, what happened?", i say.

 "Well your friend John-" "WHERE IS HE?!", i blurt out. "I don't know. Probably at home. Who knows? ANYWAYS your friend John told me a classmate,Thomas Jefferson, pushed you off the school roof. You are lucky to even be speaking right now! You landed back first on the road! You must be the luckiest man alive", the nurse said. "Well I've been to the hospital a lot and i'm still alive so yeah i guess i am pretty lucky",i say, smiling.

                                                                        Time skip :3     (3 months later)                      

John's POV

"KNOCK KNOCK!". Some fucker is knocking at the door. Who the fuck knocks at 12:00? I open the door to reveal..."ALEX!", i yell. I hug him tight until he tells me to stop. "I cant believe that your ok!!", i say. "Yep, its a miracle", Alex says with a chuckle. He turned on the TV and flipped it over to the news, and what he saw he almost couldn't comprehend (Whoever knows that song, you are now my best friend)

"YEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS LETS FUCKING GOOOOOO!", Alex yells. "Dude its 12:00 pm don't be so loud. "BUT JEFFERSHIT WENT TO JAIL!", he said. "Oh that's way better. I call him Thom-ass", i say. "Thom-ass Jeffershit", Alex says. We both start dying and i head to my bed to go to sleep. "Wait, John", Alex says. "Yeah?", i answer. He pulls me closer to him and kisses me!?  

Alex's POV

John pushed me away and stared at me in shock. "I-i shouldn't have done that i'm so sorry", i say, stuttering. I'm just about to go in my room when John grabs my hoodie,pulls me, and kisses me back. He then pulls back, hugs me, and whispers "3 months without you was way too long".

Gay Turtle: Me and Alex had our first kiss!

Baguette: What do you mean? Remember? AT THE BAR?

Gay Turtle: That doesn't count!

Baguette: Whatever. WAit... YOU AND ALEX KISSED? If you kissed then...

I hear knocking at the door. I open it up and Laf zooms straight past me, picking up Alex and hugging him. "Mon ami your ok!", he said with a huge grin. I watched him run out the room and back in his dorm. "HERCULES MULLIGAN, ALEXANDER IS ALIVE AND BACK FROM THE HOSPITAL SO WAKE UP AND GO SEE YOUR FUCKING FRIEND", Laf yells. Herc comes in our dorm and sees Alex. He runs up and tackles Alex onto the couch. His tackle turned into a hug and Herc wouldn't let him go. "I missed you too, Herc", Alex says. Alex walks over too his bed and flops down onto it. He soon falls asleep, followed by me

James's POV

Thomas? In jail? How?? Thomas is an angel sent down from heaven. N-n-n-not like i like him or anything!!! I buy a cake from the bakery and put a file in it. I walk to the police with the cake. "H-h-here! For T-t-Thomas!" i say. "Why are you stuttering, kid?", an officer says. "Its how i usually speak", i respond. I watch as Thomas recives the cake, and i give him a wink. Thomas is busting out of jail!

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