Chapter 17

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 ~12 months after Herc proposed to Laf~

   John's POV

Baguette: Vote Time! Who has had the worst time this year?

Baguette: Alex

Hot Pants: Alex

Gay Turtle: Alex

A.Burr: Alex

Green eggs and Hamilton: Mee

Gay Turtle: His dad came yesterday and beat him up

Baguette: WHAT?!?!

A.Burr: WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hot Pants: EXUSE ME?!?!?!?!

Green eggs and Hamilton: Im ok, guys!

Hot Pants: Imma fuck a bitch up

Green eggs and Hamilton: John pointed my dads gun at my dad and scared him off



I am just about to respond when i hear a huge gasp coming from Alex's room. "Alex, you ok?", i say, sitting next to him. "M-m-m-my brother. Hes alive".

Alex's POV

I burst open the dorm door and sprint down to the coffee shop. "JAMES!!", i yell, staring at him. "Alexander!!", he says back. He kneels down holding out his arms and i run and jump onto him. "OH MY GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE YOUR ALIVE!!!", i say in excitement.

 "So, whats been going on this year?", he says. I sit down at a table with my older brother and explain what happened. Every bit. "So, Dad's alive?", James says. "Your life is crazy!". 

"I want you to meet someone", i say and text John. Soon, John comes to the shop. "John, meet my brother, James Jr! But i just call him James". We all talk about our crazy lives and all that. "Oh also, John has this cylinder thingy called an 'Alexa'. It controls EVERYTHING", i say. "Alexa, assassinate Thomas Jefferson!", James says. We all die laughing and after an hour, we finally say goodbye.

 We head back to the dorm and John stops by Laf and Herc's dorm. I open the door and all the lights are off. As i walk in, suddenly the door shuts and i hear it lock. The lights then turn on and i feel something makes contact with my back. Jefferson with his cane stands in front of me with a smirk. 

"I met a man who has the same goal as me, alike in very similar ways. A man who goes by the name of... James A. Hamilton. Now, your father and i talked and talked and now we are a team. The "Kill Ham Team". Now we both have used our amazing minds to find ways to murder you, but you just cant seem to die. We're going to make sure you die", Thomas says, pacing. I turn around and see me father holding out his gun. "Now be our slave and i wont shoot", my father says. I cant die. For John. "Ok ill do it".

 They lead me to Thomas's bedroom where they chain me to the wall. "I'll be back. James, take care of him", Thomas walks away and my father walks towards me cracking his knuckles. "Ohhh shittt".


Alex's POV

I watch Thomas get out brass knuckles and start hitting me multiple times. "Ok. Now your coming with me". Thomas realeses me and tries to handcuff me, but i sprint away. i keep running and then, i hear a gunshot. I feel a lot of force on my side as my body slams on the ground. I look and see Aaron Burr. "Go! Run!", he says. I run all the way back to my dorm and rapidly knock. "HELP HELP HELP PLEEEEAAASE THEY ARE COMINGGGG!!!", i yell. The door swings open and John pulls me in. He closes the door and turns to me. "Alex what's wrong". I tell him everything. "Oh my god Alex im so sorry!", John says.  John tells the hamilfam to come quick and 3 seconds after the message sends, Laf bursts through the door. "WHO HURT ALEX!!!", Herc yells. "Imma slap whoever hurt you mon ami!!!", Laf says. "WAS IS JEFFERSON?". "yes", i say. Laf runs too Jeffersons room and yells at him. Then he kicked his ass. John huged me and comforted me.

WARNING SMUT: I hate smut im sorry everyone. This is the only time you are seeing smut in this book

I feel mad and decide to teach Jefferson a lesson. I knock on the dorm door and he opens it. He grabs me and pushes me onto his bed. "Madison, tie the man down", he says. I watch James tie my arms to the bed. Then Jefferson comes back and unbuckles my belt. Then he unzips my pants. "NO!",  i yell, trying to kick him. he takes my pants off and crawls on top of me. He grabs scissors and cuts my shirt off. Damn. I liked that shirt. "Jefferson, NO", i say. "PLEASE". Madison then ties my legs to the ends of the bed so they are spread out. "NONONONONONO JEFERSON PLEASE NOOOOO WHAT ABO-", i get cut off by Madison shoving rope on my jaw. He wraps it tightly around my head multiple times until im basically biting the rope. He then ties it tightly. I cant speak. "I killed your father. You should thank me. THIS is my reward", he says, chuckling. No! I dont want to do this! There is nothing i can do. Jefferson strokes my chest and goes lower and lower, untill he's stroking my dick. He then grabs it and tugs it multiple times. Then i see his face lower and i start to freak. No no no no no no no no no! He sucks it. My hands bang on the wall a couple of times. Stop!!!! I can't tell him to stop or anything and it sucks. He starts sucking it really hard and i struggle. I make some noises similar to moaning but sounding more like i'm struggling. You like that huh?", he says with a smirk. I shake my head and give him a look that says, "You know damn well i dont like it you ugly bastard". He grips my dick and tugs it some more. He then spins me over and shoves his dick into my ass. I make some more struggling noises but nothing works. Jefferson thinks my struggling noises are moaning. Then Jefferson watches me cry in pain. He laughs and walks away. Is my suffering over???? He then comes back with a whip. What the acual fuck. He makes madison take of my rope and i cuss at him. He then forces his dick into his mouth. "Suck it". I don't do it. "NOW", he says. I start lightly sucking it. He grabs the whip and hits me with it. I suck it a little harder. He keeps hitting me until im sucking on his dick the hardest i can. He then pulls back and Madison rewraps my jaw, making it even tighter. He then ties my mouth SUPER tight. Jefferson dgoes back to tugging and sucking my dick and me struggling. Then he finally stops sucking when he sees his brother in the doorway looking furious. Laf?? "GET.AWAY.FROM.HIM", he says. Jefferson gets off me and puts on some clothes. Then, Laf punches him in the face. Before Thomas gets hit again, he throws a rock at my head. I get knocked out.

Laf's POV

I see a naked and knocked out Alexander. I untie him, except his mouth ties. James tied those tight! I couldnt get them off. Sorry Alex. I put his jeans and belt on him and carry him to John's dorm. I open the door and John looks scared. "WHY IS ALEX PASSED OUT WITH ROPE ON HIS JAW AND NO SHIRT!??!?!?!?!??!?!", he yells. I tell him that Jefferson raped him. He puts his hand on Alex's forehead. "I-i-im so sorry", he says and hugs him. Alex didn't respond because he's knocked out. We get Herc and he manages to get the rope off. John hugs Alex for almost an hour. Then, Alex finally wakes up. We all hug him and make sure he was ok. I saw the fear in Alexanders eyes when i saw him tied on that bed. Thomas saw it too. That bastard. We stay with Alex for a while and leave at midnight. I lay in bed with my fiance and sigh. "I cant belive im getting tommorow", he says. "Really? Whoever must be marrying you must be awesome! I wish i was the super cool handsome person who got to marry you", i say. Herc laughs and kisses me on my cheeck. "I love you", he says. "I love you too", i respond.

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