02 ; Chariots

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The Capitol's train station was filled with hundreds of Capitol residents.

All of them wearing bright colored suits and dresses, bird feather hats on their heads in many unique colors, strange animal scales painted on the sides of their faces as they waved and hollered towards the tribute trains that where currently pulling into the station.

Children where waving around golden toy swords, parents lifting flyers into the air and screaming, some even throwing flowers as the train slowed down.

"They're so strange," Marvel comments, taking the place beside Emberly at the trains side window. Both of them over looking the masses of raving and ranting Capitol people.

"For people who are rich, you'd think they'd know how to dress better." Emberly grins, sparing a glance to her right to see Marvel grinning softly out the window to himself when the train stops. The Capitol people scream louder, rushing in different directions as the other district trains pull behind theirs in the station.

"Remember, mystery is the key," Elijah states, placing both of his hands onto Emberly and Marvel's shoulders as the trains doors open.

 The screaming makes Emberly take a step back, surprised by the many different octaves before she's shrugging off Elijah's hand and stepping in front of Marvel into the crowded train station.

People congratulate Emberly straight away, offering her flowers and rich chocolates. The brunette simply shrugs away the gifts, face blank as she made her way through the crowd and continued to head towards where she knew the Capitol guards were waiting for them.

Marvel was quiet behind her as well, both of them following Elijah's directions by seeming cold and distant. Turning her head, Emberly instantly caught a glimpse of District 2's tributes.

One was a stalky blond boy who had an angular jaw and tense blue eyes. The girl next to him was smaller, but Emberly guessed that's what made her sneaky. Her hair was so dark it was almost a purple color, and her eyes were a rich amber color.

Many other tributes where getting off the trains, all of them either waving and smiling at the Capitol residents; or simply ignoring them in hopes this awkward experience would be done faster.

"This way," Wilsha chirps, shoving Emberly and Marvel into a silver penthouse building. It's lined with decorations varying to every district. In District 1's case, the walls are lined with beautiful rich emeralds and exquisite flower arrangements.

Celebrating their districts specialty: Luxury.

"In a few moments, your stylists will come and get you and prepare you both for the tribute ceremony. They'll make you both so beautiful, so don't be afraid to trust them." Wilsha gleams, purple rhinestones gleaming in their places on the corners of her eyes as the door opens and reveals a light blue skinned women.

"Emberly Hawke," The women says, her voice nothing short of robotic.

 Emberly stiffens slightly, ignoring Marvel's eyes on her as she quickly walks towards the blue skinned women. The room Emberly enters has a sterile fragrance, and is filled with other various skin colored people.

"Strip off your clothing please,"  A baby pink skinned man says, his wild bleached curls sticking out in all directions on his head as he bats his spider-web lashes at Emberly in waiting.

Shrugging out of the soft silk Reaping dress she was wearing for the last few hours, Emberly instantly covers her chest with her arms and lets the silk dress pool at her ankles. The stylists all sigh, some even groaning softly in the backs of their throats.

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