10 ; Weight of War

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It's when the once dark sky turns a pink rosy color, does Katniss place her hand onto Emberly's shoulder, stirring the once sleeping Career awake.

"I'm going to get some berries for Peeta. For now his fever has broken, but if it comes back just give him these." Katniss orders, handing Emberly a small, round metal container of small, almond shaped pills.

"What time will you be back?" Emberly whispers, though her voice is still thick from sleep.

"Before Peeta wakes up, I hope." Katniss says, before removing herself from the space in front of Emberly and leaving the cave without looking back. Letting out a soft sigh, Emberly pushes the bangs from her face and gets comfortable for not being able to sleep until Katniss gets back.

She can't risk falling asleep and leaving her and Peeta both at risk. Especially since Cato and Clove could be looking for them at any moment. For all Emberly knows, they could have Katniss tied up somewhere like they did Rue.

"Where's Katniss?" Peeta's raspy voice echoes inside of the cave. Emberly turns her head, blinking her dry eyes before answering the male tribute.

"She went to get you some berries," Emberly says, before she's stretching her arms above her head. She can feel her shirt rising, exposing her belly, so she hurriedly places her hands down to her side and shoves her thick black thermal back over her stomach.

"I was thinking about cutting my hair before you woke up." Emberly says, giving Peeta a tiny smile as the male tribute brushes the blond fringe from his eyes.

Peeta turns his head, dark blue eyes glazing over her face. "Well, why don't you."

"I will," Emberly says, moving out of her spot in the corner of the cave. She reaches and grabs the silver knife from her belt, making a show at ignoring the bloody one beside it.

 With the knife, Emberly twists it in her hands a few times, throwing the blade up in the air and catching it again and again until Peeta lets out a laugh. Turning her head, Emberly raises an eyebrow in his direction.

"Problem Baker Boy?" She asks, making the tiny smile on Peeta face only increase in size.

"It's just that Careers always feel the need to show off their skills." Peeta says, resting his chin on his fist as he gives Emberly a sarcastic smile.

"Well, I'd just say that you're jealous." Emberly grins, wiggling her eyebrows playfully before she's lifting the knife underneath her ear.

"Wait, wait, wait, not that short." Peeta says, making Emberly shoot him an annoyed look but she moves the knife down her dark hair and makes it shoulder length.

"Perfect." Peeta says, giving her a thumbs up before removing the sweat from his upper lip. The fever already returning after his hours of sleeping soundly.

Emberly rolls her eyes at Peeta's encouragement, and moves to cut her hair when she suddenly stops. Her thick waves in her gloved hand, dark strands pressed against the blade of her knife when a loud voice booms over the entire arena.

It's Claudius Templesmith's voice, and he's inviting all of them to a feast. Emberly snorts to herself, knowing that Katniss, Peeta, and her are far away from starving when Claudius is already trying to recover the invitation's appeal.

"Now hold on. Some of you may already be declining my invitation. But this is not an ordinary feast. Each of needs something desperately,"

Emberly stops her movements, darting her eyes towards Peeta's wounded leg and somewhere, hopefully without trouble, she can see Katniss stopping as well. Both of them thinking about the health of Peeta and how maybe, they're "gift" from the Capitol may be something to heal him.

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