04 ; Glitz and Glamour

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[marvel and emberly's relationship is strictly friendly, no romance whatsoever]

After a few days of training, the Gamemakers begin to request the tributes from each district to show off their skills individually. The Gamemakers wanting to see how they could adjust the arena so everyone has a challenge to face inside of it, well, besides worrying about not getting killed.

Marvel taps his foot on the ground underneath his seat, his hands clasped in front of him in nerves and anticipation as Emberly remains as silent and stiff as a stone beside him.

The actual training for the Hunger Games was different than Emberly expected. It may sound strange coming from someone who was born and raised to tear the flesh from others and had the Hunger Games bred into her brain before she could even speak; but Emberly Hawke was nervous.

Nervous she might just fail.

"Emberly Hawke." An electronic voice echo's out, Emberly barely hearing it against the pounding in her skull as Marvel nudges her in the side, motioning for her to go and muttering a quick 'good luck' before Emberly is heading into the doors of the secluded training room.

Her stiff black leather boots crunch at every step she takes, making a faint squeaking sound that makes her bite her bottom lip hard with her top teeth. The Gamemakers eyes burn into the side of her face as Emberly reaches for a silver bow and arrow on the weapon rack.

Grabbing it and swinging it in her hand a few times to adjust to the new weight of the weapon, Emberly heads towards the middle of the training gym and lines the tip of her arrowhead with the target on a nearby dummy's chest.

Blowing her bangs from her face, Emberly lets out a tiny breath before letting the arrow zoom threw the air. As expected, it lands perfectly into the target on the middle of the dummy's chest. The Gamemakers clap and give praise around her, but Emberly keeps her eyes glued to the arrow in the target on the dummy's plastic chest.

The Gamemakers settle down, waiting for her to shoot another arrow but Emberly stands still, hazel eyes trained heavily on the arrow a few feet away. A monster of hesitation and nerves well in the pit of Emberly's belly as tears threaten to leak from the corners of her eyes.

She'd failed to notice this whole time just how heavy the crushing weight of winning is on her shoulders. If she doesn't win, she dies and her father will forever blame her for her mother's death and no one in the district will talk about her and if they do, it'll be nothing but how much of a disgrace to the district she was.

"Ms. Hawke," A low voice states, it's formal tone only belonging to a Gamemaker. Emberly lifts her head, noticing that every Gamemaker is staring at her with judging beady eyes. "is everything alright?"

"Sorry," Emberly sputters out, collecting herself. "I'm just not used to bow's like these, it amazed me just how well crafted they are."

A few Gamemakers smile proudly at a tribute commenting on their Capitol's work as Emberly grabs the handful of other arrows from the weapon rack as she once again begins to shoot for the Gamemakers without a moment's hesitation.


"Ladies and Gentleman, Caesar Flickerman!"

The Capitol people roar in delight as Caesar makes his way onto the stage, waving and blowing kisses at them as his bright white smile shines in the light of the glowing room. His aging face showing obvious delight at the wide, adoring eyes on him from the rainbow dressed Capitol people.

Emberly shifts in her spot beside Marvel, her long hair loose in beautiful curls that flow effortlessly around her angular face. Each chocolate curl of hers accented with flecks of real gold, the golden accents in her tresses matching her bright gold makeup that's shining with golden jewels and glitter.

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