05 ; Careers

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[warning: contains graphic death scenes, language, and may not be suitable for some]

Emberly holds her breath as Mika leads her through the hallways of the catacombs underneath the Hunger Games arena itself. Here, Emberly will receive the clothes for the Games and any other preparations that will be necessary.

Entering a simple grey room, Mika gently pushes Emberly into the room and closes the door behind them. Without wanting to, Emberly eyes the clear tube in the corner of the room, knowing that'll send her into the arena, the same tube that will send her in a battle for her life for thousands to watch.

"You'll be fine," Mika says gently, brushing a few stray hairs from Emberly's face. Emberly shakes softly, as Mika hands her the clothes for the arena. Them being thin and slim-fitting black pants, a matching black blouse, a sturdy leather brown belt, and a thin hooded jacket.

Mika, silently, places Emberly's hair into a beautiful half up-half down hairstyle, using a beautiful sleek hair pin that snuggles into Emberly's dark brown curls.

"I know how you don't like you hair in your face when you shoot." Mika says, before she's grabbing Emberly in a tight hug. The female tribute melts into the hug instantly, imagining it's her father or someone who will distract her from the challenge she's about to face.

"Here, put these on." Mika says, showing off beautiful black archery gloves that's are supposed to cover Emberly's fingers, besides her pinky which is used to align the bow when shooting. "the people on the review board barely let me have them, but they were cleared after some negotiating."

"Now, move around to make sure everything fits all right." Mika says, as Emberly moves about in front of her. Lifting her arms up and down and doing a few jumping jacks before she's bending her elbows and pretending that she's holding a bow to make sure the jacket doesn't bunch up at the elbows.

"Anything else?" Emberly asks, hoping there's something else so she doesn't have to step into the clear tube that's mocking her in the corner.

"Good luck Emberly Hawke." Mika says gently, kissing the crown of Emberly's head as she leads Emberly towards the clear tube in the corner of the room.

Emberly steps inside of the tube, pushing down her claustrophobia from being in the small space. Her heavy breathing hits the glass of the tube as it slowly starts to rise up and into the air. Mika stands and stares, watching with soft brown eyes.

It's fifteen minutes of darkness, until the smell of fresh air invades Emberly's sense. She breathes softly, before she's squinting her eyes at the light that washes into her face. Blinking her eyes, Emberly sees a few other tributes coming into the area just like her.

They all stand in a half circle in front of the Cornucopia, the arena mimicking a beautiful forest. Emberly instantly tenses, turning her head to the side to see a red headed girl on her right. The girl is placing her body into a running position, jades eyes locked on the Cornucopia and all it's goods meant for survival.

Then, Emberly spots Marvel. He's already looking at her, a look on his face that Emberly can't decipher. Then, Emberly realizes that he's not looking at her, he's looking at the person beside her on her left.

Turning her head slightly, not to make it obvious. Emberly instantly lets out a strangled breath upon seeing Cato on her left. He's facing forward, either not worried about Emberly being beside him or he hasn't noticed yet.

Emberly then looks at Marvel, hearing the gong of the counter going down at a quick pace. With shaky legs, Emberly tightens her jaw and looks forward, readying her body to flee once the last number appears on the counter.

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