06 ; In The Trees

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When Emberly wakes up the next day, her head is resting against a mossy log and one of her boot covered feet is in a puddle of water. Wiggling her toes, Emberly lets a soft groan leave her lips before she's turning her head to see Marvel lying beside her, his cheek pressed against the mossy log while Clove and Cato are huddled together, their legs tangled together like a pretzel.

The sound of movement on her left, makes Emberly instantly grab her bow that's resting on her side and turn towards the direction of the noise. Her bow cocked and ready so the string of it tickles her face.

Peeta gasps softly, lifting his hands into the air in surrender as Emberly slowly lowers her bow and gives the blond boy an annoyed look.

"What are you doing?" She hisses, lifting herself from the log she was resting on and stands up. She twists her body, sighing when her spine pops; releasing the tension of sleeping in such an uncomfortable place and position.

"I was waking up, just like you." Peeta says, tone sharp and defensive as he runs a dirty hand through his short blond hair, blue eyes trained on the ground.

"What are you guys talking about?" Cato groans, him and Clove removing themselves from each other as they to stand up and begin to stretch their limbs. Marvel groans, wiping sleep from his eyes before sitting up and placing his hand on the bundle of spears hanging from his brown leather belt to make sure they're still there.

"Nothing." Emberly replies, her eyes still set on Peeta, as she says. "Are you going to lead us to Katniss now? Or do we have to threaten you again?"

"Water," Peeta says, making Emberly's face screw up in confusion.

"Air. Are we naming elements now or.." She trails off, making Marvel snort beside her, his large hand taking it's place on her shoulder.

"He's saying that eventually Katniss is going to need water." Marvel says, looking at Emberly with kind brown eyes, "so, we have to find water and eventually we'll find Katniss."

"And anymore surviving tributes," Cato says, grabbing his machete from his belt and throwing it up in the air before catching by it's handle with a ready look on his face. "you both good?"

Emberly nods her head, grabbing her quiver of arrows from the ground, locking her bow securely in her belt before all of them, including Peeta, are walking through the woods.

It doesn't take them very long before the ground underneath their feet begins to turn to mud, and everyone knows that where there's mud, there's water somewhere close by.

Emberly sighs, stepping onto a slate grey rock that protruding from the lake of water that rests  in the very heart of the Hunger Games arena. Sweat drips down from her hairline, her silver colored bow slapping against her leg for the hundredth time since they'd been walking.

"I don't see her," Clove states, her dark hair sticking up in different directions. Cato steps into the place beside her, his blue eyes scanning all of the lake in search for District 12's female tribute.

"Maybe she already found water-" Emberly begins, hope dying in her chest.

"Look," Marvel says loudly, lifting his arm to point at the smoke that's wafting up above the trees of the forest surrounding them. Emberly's eyes widen, taking a step forward as dark, thick smoke wafts around the necks of the trees.

It's then, when the sound of water being rushed into, makes Emberly break out into a fast run towards the sound.  The rest of them follow after her, not sure what she heard until all of them see her in the water.

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