07 ; Enemy Fire

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Emberly stares at the fire in front of her, watching the flames flicker and spit out ashes onto the ground of the forest. The huntress was twirling one of her arrows in her hand, biting the skin of her bottom lip in thought of the events that occurred only a few hours ago.

Cato and Clove were both asleep, Cato's arm wrapped securely around Clove's waist as her face was shoved into the crook of his neck. Emberly would've thought it was cute, if she didn't hate them as much as she did.

They were the ones who'd forced her and Marvel into joining them, forcing them to be linked to the murders Cato was causing, forcing them to kill Katniss for no other reason other then Cato and Clove both being scared of her and what she can do.

"What are you thinking about?" Marvel's voice rings out, his tall muscular body appearing from the trees as he grips a bundle of silver spears in his hand.

Emberly remains quiet for a few seconds before shaking her head. "Do you ever just think about how crazy all of this is? I mean, in our world, people actually enjoy watching someone murder another. It makes me too sick to sleep just thinking about it."

"Then don't," Marvel interjects, placing his spears on the ground and taking a seat beside Emberly on the cold forest ground. His brown eyes trained on the flames ahead of them both, before he's looking around their camp.

"That's cute," Marvel says, motioning his head to where Cato and Clove are snuggled around each other. Emberly snorts in her throat, shaking the few black hairs from her face as she places her chin in the space between her knees.

"I was thinking about cutting my hair." Emberly says, her fingers playing with the dry frayed ends of her hair. She can almost hear her father shaking his head, knowing that Emberly's dark curls are the only reminder of his wife he has left.

Marvel pops out his bottom lip in thought, reaching to grab Emberly's hair and gently he twists it around in his glove fingers. Emberly watches him, seeing the flames reflecting in Marvel's eyes as he looks up at her.

"You should," He states, voice soft so only they can both hear him. "it'd make you look like a total badass. Well, more than the one you already are now."

Emberly's lips quirk up into a slight smile, before Marvel is letting a light laugh leave his throat. Emberly begins to laugh harder as well,  both of them smiling and giggling with each other before Marvel grabs Emberly's jaw with his hand.

He stares at her for a few seconds before pressing their lips together. Emberly makes a sound in the back of her throat, pressing into Marvel, her hands gripping the front of his jacket before images of herself and Marvel kissing on the screen in the capitol flashes into her mind.

Tugging herself away, Emberly stares at Marvel for a few seconds. Breathing heavily threw her nose before she's shaking her head, making Marvel tighten his lips together.

"Don't ever do that again." Emberly grits, turning away from Marvel's direction swiftly and laying down on her side, so her face is facing the woods and not towards Marvel's large warm body.

It's only when she's sure Marvel's breathing has evened out some due to sleep that she finally touches her lips, and thanks Marvel for being her first kiss.


Katniss Everdeen slowly makes her way up the tree due to Rue's instructions, everyone inside of the Capitol gasping softly as Katniss grabs a knife from her leather belt and begins to roughly saw at the branch holding a large tracker-jacker nest.

Katniss groans softly, a tracker-jacker sticking itself into her neck. Continuing to saw at the branch, Katniss glances down at the Careers underneath her. Peeta being amongst them, his blonde hair hidden by the hood of the slick black jacket he's wearing.

Katniss then looks at the girl who'd saved her, Emberly, if she remembers correctly. Gritting her teeth and hoping that the nest doesn't hit any of them, she makes a moan of pain as two more tracker-jackers lodge themselves in her neck.

Then, the nest is falling towards the ground, it landing at Cato and Clove's feet before bursting open and letting out the hundreds of tracker-jackers.

Emberly gasps awake in pain, her body feeling like it's on fire. Black insects swarm around her face, letting out a scream, she swats them away while grabbing her quiver and bow beside her in a frenzy.

Clove is screaming as well, her and Cato sprinting from the campsite. Emberly begins running as well, the tracker-jackers, thankfully, not following her. Marvel runs beside her, spears clutched in his hand before a heavy thump is heard on the ground behind them both.

Emberly turns around, watching as Katniss collects herself on the ground. Katniss's head is spinning in different directions, her footsteps shaky. Emberly waits for a few seconds, her vision also zooming in and out of focus before she's rushing towards Katniss.

"Run!" Peeta's voice screams out of nowhere, making Emberly and Katniss jerk before running into each other. Their bodies tangling, hands swatting to get a grip on each other before Cato's large frame is bursting through the trees, a shiny object clutched in his hand.

"Go, what are you doing, go!" Peeta screams, shoving the both of them away from Cato's rage. Katniss grabs Emberly's jacket sleeve, her strong hand dragging Emberly through the trees as Peeta screams out in pain.

Emberly barely notices where Katniss is leading her, before both of them are tumbling down the side of a hill. Their bodies smashing into shrubs and thorn bushes before they come to a halt at the end of the hill, both of them gasping like a fish out of water.

Emberly stares at the sky, blood leaking from her nose from where it had hit a tree branch on the way down the hill. She can see her mother staring down at her, her gentle face smiling as her hand reaches down and touches Emberly's soft as silk hair. Her mouth opening and closing as if she's saying something that Emberly can't perceive.

Then everything goes dark.



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