08 ; Heroes

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Horrific images flash in Emberly's brain, her eyes watching as bodies collapse onto the ground with glassy eyes. Some she knows, others remain nameless in her memory. All of them having large eyes filled with one emotion: fear

Her arms pinwheels themselves, as she runs. Her feet barely touching the ground before she's  tripping over a root in the ground and spinning forwards and landing on the ground. Face covered in mud as she gasps for air.

Then a new body falls, it's face landing only inches from Emberly's. It's familiar dark wavy hair and hazel eyes glare at her and Emberly chokes back a sob. Her mother's rotting face stares at her, it's eyes eaten by the maggots crawling down her cheeks and neck.

Emberly lets out a soft breath, her eyes opening to the light around her. Instantly, she winces and shoves her face deeper into the soft leaves underneath her face. Letting out a few breaths, she opens her eyes again and slowly introduces them to the sunlight above.

Darting her eyes in different directions, Emberly gently moves her fingers by her side. Feeling them graze against the silver bow that's locked into her leather belt. It's not until then that Emberly can hear someone else breathing only a few feet away.

She then tries to move, and that's when she realizes just how wracked and feeble her body really is. Her hand shakes as she lifts herself up and off the ground. Her body aches terribly, making her bite her bottom lip in stop from crying out.

Then, she notices the leaves that are covering her red slightly swollen arms. Emberly instantly recognizes them as healing leaves for diseases or infections in the blood. Gently, Emberly turns her head in the direction of the quiet breathing a few feet away; which was the main reason she'd lifted herself up and off the ground in the first place.

Katniss is lying on the ground only inches away, her eyelashes fluttering as her body tries to awaken itself. Her braid is burnt at the ends, and it's sticking to the side of her sweaty neck; and Emberly knows that the sweat must be from the dream-terrors the tracker-jacker poison induces.

"Katniss," Emberly tries, gently placing her shaking hand onto the huntress's shaking form. Katniss startles awake at the touch, her entire body seizing and constricting; making Emberly instantly move to stop her from ruining her newly healed body.

"Relax Katniss, relax!" Emberly yells, stopping Katniss's movements. Katniss stills before her eyes are glazing over Emberly's face. Terror washes through her eyes before it suddenly gets washed away and Katniss is nodding her head.

"The poison has left you weak, so you need to slowly get up, alright? I'm going to help you, but you just have to stop from moving to quickly." Emberly instructs, grabbing Katniss's arm and gently lifting the District 12 tribute from the leafy ground and making her sit up.

"Thank you," Katniss bites out, jaw clenched as she looks down at her hands. Her arms, along with her neck are covered in leaves. Emberly removes her gaze from Katniss, staring down at the larger leaves that are covering her swollen red arms.

The sound of a twig snapping alerts them both. Ignoring the pain erupting from her body, Emberly unhooks the loaded bow from her belt and instantly points it towards where the sound originated from.

"No," Katniss says, placing her hand onto Emberly's bow and leering it down towards the ground. She then, lifts herself to her feet and begins slowly walking towards a large trunked tree in front of them. Emberly watches silently, before seeing a dark skinned face pop out from behind the tree; the person's bright brown eyes staring at Katniss like a lost and frightened puppy.

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