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"Why" I asked him "Why did you wake me now."
"It took many years to wake you up, we had to be very careful" The man across from me said.
"Me? Where are the others?"
"We lost them, we started waking all of you up immediately but we didn't know there would be consequences to the chemicals they gave you on the Earth. So we started making practice and you're the only survivor."
"But why are we in the space, can't we go back to Earth" I asked trying to process everything.

"Naomi" Abby said, I turned to her. "We don't know the state of the earth after the nuclear war, we think there are still radiations"
"But you don't know if they're fatal"
"No, we don't" said the same man from before.
"Then why didn't you send somebody to check"
"We're going to, today"
"Marcus" said Jaha with reproach.
"What, she's going to find out"

"I want to go with them"
"I " He said
"You don't need me here but they do down there"
"Nao-" started Abby but I interrupted her.
"I'm the only one who knows how it's like living on the Earth, I've been trained, I know how to get food and I lived down there when the radiations started occupying the Earth. I won't take a no as an answer" I finish, standing up from my seat.

"Naomi we were already thinking about that, that's why you're here" Abby said.
"But first we need to vote" another man said."Who's in favore of sending her down with the other 100 prisoners" he questioned and they all held their hands out.
"Naomi, you will be sent to Earth to guide 100 underage prisoners." Jaha said looking at me, then he dismissed the others.

Abby brought me back to my room to take my thighs. She said I couldn't bring my suitcase with me but I needed something smaller, so she gave me a bag I could use. I transferred my clothes and some essential things in there then left the room I spent the last few months in.
Abby told me all about her daughter during our daily checks as I call them. She told me she was arrested but she never told me why. Anyway I could ask her myself because I was going to see her on Earth since she's one of the hundred prisoners.

Two guards were waiting right outside the door. They installed a electric bracelet on my wrist, it hurt at first but it quickly faded. They then escorted me and Abby to the spaceship. She gave me an hug as the doors opened and reminded me to look out for her daughter. Then I entered the space ship that will take us to the ground. Almost everybody was unconscious and the ones who weren't they were looking at me. There was an empty seat right next to the doors and the guards pointed at it so I seated there and put the seatbelts on. Then the doors closed. I was the last one to get on board.

Shortly after a video of Jaha started playing on a monitor but I didn't pay much attention to it. We were no loger attached to the ark. I started looking around, everybody was awake now but there weren't 100 people in that room and there was a stair in the middle of it so I assumed there were other levels.
"They're all prisoners" I thought looking at them.

"With you there is somebody that knows more about Earth than anyone else and she will help you survive" said Jaha and I felt everyone's eyes on me but they didn't say anything.
The lights were flickering and I heard something coming from the levels above me, like something or someone crashed on a wall.

Smoke was coming from the tubes on the walls and there were a lot of turbulences.
"This doesn't seem right" I said to myself as I started panicking. I herd screaming coming from my side.
Then it all stopped. The lights stopped flickering and I didn't hear humming coming from the ship. We were on the ground.

Author's note
The good stuff starts now.

Terrestrial || Bellamy Blake (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now