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"We need to launch those flares ASAP if we have any hope of saving those people" Raven yelled. "Finn get that control panel to camp"
Then she called Clarke to help her.
I'm not really good at this kinda stuff  so I helped the others to bring things at camp.

It was night when we finished to set up everything, the flares were ready to be launched. Do we did.

Bellamy came next to me as we watched them go, creating this mesmerising colour show.

"You think they can see it from up there?" he asked.
"I don't know. I hope so." Then I asked: "Can you wish on this kind of shooting star?"
He looked at me
"Forget it" I said after seeing the look he gave me, going back to the flares.
"I wouldn't even know what to wish for" he said looking at the ground. Then he looked at the sky "What about you?"
I didn't respond to that.

"Octavia" Bellamy yelled. "Octavia"
He was looking in every tent for his sister.
I was seated by a tree staring at the sky.
"You're up?" He asked coming towards me from behind.
I got up "Yeah. Knowing that hundreds of people might be dying makes it pretty hard to fall asleep"
"Raven's flares will work" he said.
"Her radio would've worked better I said walking past him making sure to bump his shoulder in the process.

"Have you seen Octavia?" he asked following me.
"No. It's Octavia, she's probably chasing butterflies-"
"I've checked the camp. She's not here"
I hesitated but I turned around "Ok. I'll help you find her".
"Let's check again" I said as we walked "You go to the drop ship. I'll check the rest of the tents"

"Thank you" he said.
"Don't thank me. I'm not doing this for you, I'm doing it for Octavia"

We searched everywhere but we didn't find her. So Bellamy decided to take some actions.
"Hey. Everybody, gather around and grab a weapon" He said dropping some knives and stuff on the ground. "My sister's been out there alone for 12 hours. Arm up. We're not coming back without her"
Everyone picked up a weapon from the ground as they listened.
"Hey Jasper" I said grabbing his arm "You don't have to do this. You haven't left camp since we brought you back"
"Naomi, I need to do this"
"We need all the people we can get" Bellamy said from behind me and Jasper walked away to grab a weapon.

"We need a tracker" He said to me and I nodded. "Finn get out here"
"Hey. I can do it" I said noticing Finn wasn't coming out of his tent.
"No" was all he said "Finn, we're leaving" he called one last time.
"I'm coming" he said exiting his tent.

"Hey you see that?" a guy said pointing to the sky "Look up there".
I looked up. It looked like a meteor shower.
"They didn't work" Clarke said
"What do you mean" I asked her not understanding, then I looked again.
"They didn't see the flares" Ravan said walking out of her tent.
"It's a funeral. Hundreds of bodies being returned to Earth from The Ark"
Bellamy had a guilty look on his face, can't blame him.
"They didn't get our message" Clarke said looking at them.

"This is all because of you" Raven said pushing him.
"I helped find the radio" he defended.
"Yeah after you jacked it from my pod and trashed it" Finn and I were holding her back.
"Yeah, he knows. Now he has to live with that" I said glaring at him.

He looked at the sky and then back at me  "All I know is, my sister is out there and I'm gonna find her. You coming or what?"
"Yeah" I answered.
Then we left the camp.

"Look. Over here" a guy yelled.
"What is it?" I asked from next to Bellamy.
"Right there, do you see it?" Is that Octavia's?" He asked pointing at something but it was too dark for me to see it.

"Rope" Bellamy ordered.
"What are you doing?" I asked as they passed him a rope.
"I need the rope to get back up" He said. "Flashlight" he ordered again. He went to pick it. "It's hers" he yelled from down there "We're going all the way down."
Jasper went first, then I and then the others.
"Someone else is here" Bellamy said as I approached him and Jasper.
"The prints are deeper going that way" Finn pointed in front of us.
"He was carrying her" I finished for him looking at Bellamy. "If they took her, she's alive. Like when they took Jasper"

We followed the track and they led us to something I didn't want to see.
"I don't speak Grounder, but I'm pretty sure this means -keep out-" I said looking at Bellamy.
"Go back if you want" he said still looking at the skeletons on the trees. "My sister, my responsibility" then he went ahead and I followed him, Jasper, Finn and a couple of others behind us.

"I got nothing" Finn said. It was morning now, thankfully. "We lost the trial"
"Keep looking" Bellamy urged.
"Wandering aimlessly isn't the way to find your sister. We should backtrack" Finn insisted.
"I'm not going back!"

"Hey, where's John?" I asked noticing the missing boy.
"I just saw him a second ago" Jasper said.
"Spread out" Bellamy said looking around "He couldn't have gotten that far"

I heard something fall right behind me. I turned around and saw a lifeless John on the ground. I took a step back and grabbed Bellamy's arm to stabilise myself.

"They use the trees" I said looking up.
"We shouldn't ha crossed the boundary" a guy I didn't know said.
"Now can we go back?" Roma asked.
I noticed somebody "There. Right there." I said pointing at them.
"Another one" the guy said. They were surrounding.
"We should run" Finn suggested, and we started to run but they were following us.

"I can't run much longer!" Jasper screamed from behind me.
"I'm not stopping for him" the guy said but Bellamy and I stopped and so did the others.
"I'm sick of running anyway" Bellamy said and Finn grabbed his arm.

"Hey. What are you doing" Finn asked.
"They know where she is" Bellamy said.
"Diggs were are you?" Roma screamed running looking for the boy.
"Roma!" we ran after her. Then she let out a scream.
"Wait! Roma!" Finn stopped her.
"There could be more" I said looking around.
"They're leading us here" Jasper said. "It's the only direction we can run in"
"Right" Finn said "Where'd they go" he asked looking around.
"After Roma" Bellamy said as he started running again.

We heard Roma scream and we walked towards the sound.
"There she is. Roma" the other girl said as she saw her friend's jacket behind a tree.
Bellamy went ahead and walked towards her, the four of us followed him.
"Oh my god" I said when I saw Rama's figure crossed by a spear.
"They're playing with us" Finn said.

I watched as Bellamy closed Roma's eyes.
"She only came because of me" I patted his back to comfort him.
A tear fell om
but I quickly wiped it away before anyone could see it.

"They can kill us whenever they want" Finn said.
"And they should. Get it over with!" Jasper yelled looking around.
"Are you fucking crazy? Shut up" I screamed at him.
"Stop. Stop" Finn said grabbing him trying to make him stop.
"You wanna kill us?" he yelled again.

"They're coming" the girl said.
I saw the Grounders running towards us but they stopped and retreated as the sound of a horn was heard in the forest.
"They're leaving" Bellamy observed.
"The horn. What does it mean?" Jasper asked.
"Acid fog" I realised.
"We have to run?" the girl asked.
"There's no time"Finn said as he took a parachute out of his bag.

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