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"I'm really sorry about Atom" I said to Octavia.
Now we were in the drop ship next to Jasper.
"I guess we're gonna have to get used to people dying down here, aren't we?" she asked "But not you. You hear me? You're not allowed to die." she said looking down at Jasper. I smiled at that.

Monty, Finn, Octavia and I were seated around a table next to Jasper.
Finn found a bottle of whisky and gave it to us to share. When I saw it I gave out a little scream.
"Yes!" I said taking the flask, I drank some of it
"Hey leave some for us" Monty joked.
I laughed passing it to him. "Sorry but I haven't drank some of this in 100 years."
"Disgusting. Love it" Octavia said after taking a sip.

"Can I-uh get a hit of that?" Jasper asked.
"Jasper" I said getting up like the others.
"Let's start with the soft stuff" Finn said giving him some water. "Welcome back buddy"
He laughed. "Was that a dream or did I get speared?" he asked.
"You'll have a pretty impressive scar to prove it" Clarke joked entering the room. Then he looked at me.
"My saviour" he said laughing.
"Thank you for not dying. I don't think I could've taken that today." I said looking at him.
"Well I'll try not tomorrow too, if that's cool." he joked.
"Oh. Hello" Jasper said once he noticed Octavia. We all let out a chuckle.
Then I excused myself and went to sleep.

The next morning when I left the drop ship, where I slept, there were people gathered around the wall they built yesterday so I went to check if everything was all right. I wish I never did. Laying on the ground just outside the wall there was an unconscious Wells, blood all around him.
Later in the morning they buried him next to Atom and the other guys that died.

Now we were building the missing part of the wall. I was helping Charlotte with her task when a guy next to us fell over.
I ran towards him "Hey. Are you ok?" I asked helping him to get up he nodded.
"You think the grounders are just gonna sit around and wait for us to finish the wall?" Murphy asked the guy. "Maybe we should let the little girl do the lifting for you." I rolled my eyes at this.
"I just need some water, okay? Then I'll be fine." the guy said without looking at Murphy.
"Murphy" Bellamy said walking towards us "get this guy some water"
Then he turned to Charlotte "Hey, you got this?" he asked and Charlotte nodded her head and walked towards it. She was about to lift it up when Bellamy stopped her.
"Hey, I'm just kidding" i let out a little chuckle looking at them. Bellamy lifted it and Charlotte went back to her task.

"What's going on" I asked entering Bellamy's tent. Clarke asked me to come here but she didn't tell me why.
"We found this where Wells died" Octavia said pointing at a knife on the table. It looked like it was made with the drop ship's metal.
"Let me take a look at it" I said taking the knife in my hands.
I examined it while the others talked.
"It means the Grounders didn't kill Wells" Clarke stated "It was one of us"

"So there's a murderer in the camp?" Jasper asked quietly
"There's more than one murderer in this camp"Bellamy said, then I noticed something engraved in the knife. "This isn't news.We need to keep it quiet."
I scoffed and started to exit the tent but Bellamy stopped me.

"Get out of my way Bellamy" I said.
"Be smart about this" he said looking down at me "Look at what we've achieved. The wall, the patrols. Like it or not, thinking the grounders killed Wells is good for us."

"Oh good for you, you mean" I scoffed taking a step forward "What keep people afraid and they'll work for you? Is that it?"
"Yeah, that's it. But it's good for all of us." he said "Fear of the grounders is building that wall. And besides what are you gonna do? Just walk out  there and ask the killer to step forward? You don't even know whose knife that is"

"Oh really?" I asked showing him the knife "J.M. John Murphy. The people have a right to know."

Before I could exit the tent Clarke took the knife out of my hand and walked out, me and the others following behind.
"Son of a bitch" Clarke screamed pushing Murphy.
"Ho-ho-ho what's your problem" John asked her laughing.
"Recognised this" she asked showing him the knife.
"That's my knife. Where'd you find it? Murphy tried to take it but she didn't let him.
"Where you dropped it after you killed Wells" She said.
"Where I what?" he asked confused. Now everyone's attention was on them.

"The grounders killed Wells not me" he said.
"I know what you did. And you're gonna pay for it" she said to his face
"Really? Bellamy do you believe this crap" he asked looking at Bellamy whom was right next to me. He didn't say anything.

"You threatened to kill him. We all heard you" I said taking a step forward. "You hated Wells"
"Plenty of people hated Wells" Murphy said taking a step towards me "His father was the chancellor that locked us up"
"Yeah his father not him" I said. "And you're the only one who got in a knife fight with him"
"Yeah and I didn't kill him then, either."
"He tried to kill Jasper too" Octavia said from behind me.

Now Murphy and I were face to face. He took a step back and looked at everyone else "Come on, this is ridiculous. I don't have to answer to you. I don't have to answer to anyone" he said walking past me.

"Come again?" Bellamy asked taking a step forward.

Everyone stopped.
"Bellamy. Look I'm telling you, man, I didn't do this" Murphy said looking at the older.
"They found his fingers on the ground with your knife."
"Is this the kind of society that you are?" O

"You say there should be no rules." Clarke stepped in "Does that mean we can kill each other without punishment?"
"I already told you, I didn't kill anyone" Murphy said taking a step forward towards her.
"I say we float him" a guy said.
The others agreed.
"What?" I asked "No, you can't kill him. Revenge isn't justice." I said stepping in front of him but they shoved me away. Octavia rushed in to help me.
"You ok?" She asked.

They were hanging him up to a tree. I ran to Bellamy.
"You can stop this" I screamed "They'll listen to you"
"Bellamy, you should do it" a guy said pointing to Murphy.
Everyone started chanting his name.

"I saw you in the woods with Atom. I know you are not a killer." I told him.
He looked at me. "Bellamy please don't do this" I whispered shaking my head, looking in his eyes.
But he didn't listen to me. "Don't, please" I said following him. He looked at me one last time and then he kicked the box where Murphy was resting his feet, leaving him hanged up.

"No" I screamed. "How could you" I pushed him.
"This is on you grounder. You should've kept your mouth shut" he screamed at my face pushing me back. "What kind of monster could do that" I thought staring at him.

"Cut him down" Finn screamed
"Just stop." Charlotte screamed "Murphy didn't kill Wells! I did" everyone turned to look at her in shook. I took it as a chance to free Murphy, so I took my knife and cut the rope.
Murphy fell down.

I turned to look at Charlotte, I grabbed her brought her in Bellamy's tent because it was the nearest. Bellamy, Finn and Clarke followed me.

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