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Clarke closed his wound. "Okay. I'm done"
"We need to cover the wound"
"Abby he's pale" I said worried.
"Warm too" Raven added.
"He lost a lot of blood Raven, but if you're boyfriend's anywhere near as tough as you, I'm sure he'll be fine" Abby said.

"Wait mom she's right" Clarke said touching his chest "He's feverish. He's breathing is uneven"
"Give him some time to recover" Abby said "Let me know if he gets any worse, but I think he may just be out of the woods"
"Well, down here, there's nothing but woods" Clarke snapped back "I need a break" she said getting up.

"Clarke?" her mother called again "Clarke wait. Raven, Naomi, could you give us a few minutes?"
"Sure, Doc" Raven said getting up but Clarke stopped her.
"Stay with Finn" and then she left the drop ship.

I heard loud noises from upstairs and I wanted to check what Bellamy was doing, so I climbed the stairs. As I arrived on the second floor one of Bellamy's guys stopped me.

"Get the hell out of my way" I growled at him.
"It's okay. Let her trough" Bellamy said looking at us.
I pushed past the guy and saw the grounder that stabbed Finn.
"Well if he didn't hate us before, he does now" I   said to Bellamy.
He looked at the grounder qnd then back at me. He grabbed my wrist to get me away from the grounder. "Who cares"

"How's Finn" Bellamy asked.
"Alive" I responded. Then I looked back at the grounder and I pointed at him "He's people will care. How long until they figure out where he is? And what happens when they do, I mean, when they come looking for him? They will Bellamy"
"Relax princess. No one saw us take him." he looked at the grounder "He was chained up in that cave the entire time and thanks to the storm, we didn't see a soul to the way back"

A loud rumble made me stop looking at him

"Look in case you missed it" Bellamy continued opening a book and scrolling trough the pages. "his people are already killing us"

He showed me the page he was looking for, there were 102 little lines and 10 of them were crossed. We lost ten people.

"How many of our people need to die until you realise we're fighting a war?"  he demanded looking at me.
"Look, we're not soldiers, Bellamy" I said looking at him. Then I pointed at the grounder "Look at him. We can't win"
He took a step forward and looked straight into my eyes.
"You're right. We can't if we don't fight"
"Naomi! He's seizing!" Raven screamed from down stairs, I broke our staring contest.
"On my way"

I ran down the stairs and made my way to Finn.
"He was fine-" Raven started but I stopped her.
"Get Abby on the radio now."
"The radio is dead. Interference from the storm" She looked at Finn "Please don't let him die" she said in a pleading voice.

Finn started to calm down but some foam formed in his mouth.
"It stopped. Quick, help me get him on his side" I ordered Raven but she didn't move "Raven there's fluid in his lungs. He could choke, quick" We got him on the side and the foam started to fall.

"God, he's burning up" I said. Panic in my voice.
"Fluid in his lungs? That means the knife-"
"No" I interrupted her "This isn't blood, it's something else. Wait I've seen this before" I realised "Shortness of breath, fever, seizing. It's poison."
"Clarke sterilized everything, I watched her do it"
My eyes fell on the knife that not long ago was in Finns body.
"Not everything" I took the knife and made my way to the stairs for the second floor for the second time that knight "Stay here" I ordered Raven.
I started climbing the stairs but Octavia stopped me "They looked the hatch"

I started banging the hatch with my fist "Hey! Open the door"
One of the guys opened it and I finished climbing the stairs. I made my way to the grounder and showed him the knife "What's on this?"
"What are you talking about" Bellamy asked from beside me.
"He poisoned the blade. All this time he knew Finn was gonna die no matter what we did" I said looking at Bellamy that back at the grounder "What is it? Is there an antidote?" I screamed-asked.

"Naomi he doesn't understand you" Octavia said.
"The vials" Bellamy realised taking something from behind him "It's gotta be here"
I threw the balde away and took it from Bellamy's hands.
"You'd have to be stupid to have a poison around this long without an antidote" I said to myself "Which one?" I screamed at him.
"Answer the question" Bellamy ordered but the grounder didn't even move.

"Show us. Please" Octavia pleaded.
"Which one" I asked again "Our friend is dying down there and you can stop that." I looked at Bellamy for help.
He looked at me and then back at the grounder
"I'll get him to talk"

"Bellamy, no" Octavia begged trying to stop him.
"He wants Finn to die. Why can't you see that?" He screamed at his sister then he looked at me "Do you want him to live or not?" I didn't say anything.
"Naomi you even said it yourself. This is not who we are" Octavia said "He was protecting me. He saved my life"
"We're talking about Finn's life" Bellamy interrupted her. They both looked at me but I only looked at Bellamy. "Do it" I almost whispered.

I watched as Bellamy took a seatbelt with his knife and made his way to the grounder. He cut the grounder's shirt. "You're going to show us the antidote, or you're gonna wish you had"

Bellamy looked at me one last time, like asking for permission. I nodded reluctantly. I didn't want to make anyone suffer, but Finn was dying and if this was the only way to save him I won't stop it. I couldn't save the others, but this is going to stop now.

"Bellamy no. Please" Octavia pleaded again. But nobody could stop him. He looked at me again, silently ordering me to turn around. Like he didn't want me to see him torturing the grounder. So I looked away.

After a couple of lashes I stopped him. I knelt to the ground between him and the grounder and showed the grounder the vials Bellamy found in his bag. "Please. Which one's the antidote?" I asked looking at him.
"Just tell them" Octavia begged. But he didn't say anything.

Bellamy put a hand on my shoulder and I looked at him "Naomi" he whispered, making me get up and go back were I was standing.
Bellamy began to torture him again and this time I didn't look away.

Bellamy only stopped when we heard Raven screaming for me from downstairs.
"We're running out of time. Which one?" I asked the grounder kneeling again in front of him. "Which one is it? If you tell us, they'll stop. Please, tell us which is the antidote and they'll stop this" I begged.
Nothing.  I got up again.
"If that didn't work, then this will" He grabbed something from a seat. Then he looked at me "Naomi you don't have to be here for this"
"I'm not leaving until I get that antidote" I insisted.

Bellamy made his way to the grounder.
"Last chance" Bellamy waited a couple of seconds but the grounder didn't want to talk. Bellamy stabbed his hand. I covered my eyes with my hands. I really didn't want to see it.
"What's taking so long?" Raven asked climbing the stairs. "He stopped breathing" she said walking towards me.
"He started again. Next time, he might not" she informed.
"He wont tell us anything" I said pointing at the grounder.
Raven looked around and grabbed some electric wires. "Wanna bet?"
"What are you doing?" Bellamy asked.
"Showing him something new" She connected the wires to his body and he started screaming.
"Which one is it?" she yelled. "Come on! He's all I have" she sobbed.

"No more!" Octavia screamed. I turned to look at her, she had the poisoned knife in her hand.
"He's letting Finn die"
She looked at the grounder, then at her arm. She cut her forearm with the knife. "Octavia no" Bellamy protested.
"He won't let me die" she stated. Octavia made her way to him and Bellamy tried to stop her but she pushed him back, kneeling in front of the grounder. She pointed to all the vials until he nodded at one in particular. That was it.
"Here" she said giving it to me.
"Thank you" I said looking at her and at the grounder. I then climbed down the stairs with Raven not so far behind me.

I gave Finn half the flask of the antidote.
"How do we know if it works?" Raven asked.
"We'll know when he wakes up" I stated "He'll need water when he does. Di you mind?"
"Sure" She said standing up and going to take the water.

I looked at Finn and started sobbing . It was all my fault.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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