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"Shut that kid up" someone screamed.
It was night and I was checking on Jasper, who was causing a lot of noises.
"You're gonna make it through this, ok?" I whispered to him. "I promise"
"Keep an eye on him" I said to Monty going to the stairs to get some clean water.

As I left the drop ship I heard screams so I followed the sound and I found a little girl on the ground beside a tree.
"No. No" she screamed in her sleep.
"Hey. Hey, it's ok" I said waking her up. "It was just a dream. What's your name?"
"Charlotte" she answered.
"I'm Naomi. It's ok to be scared. Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked sitting next to her.
"It's...my parents" she said with tears forming in her eyes "They were floated, and I- and I see it in my dreams, and I just.."
I started rubbing her back to confort her.

"So how'd you end up here?" I asked curious of how a little kid was sent to Earth.
"Th-They were taking my parents things to the Redistribution Center and I kind of lost it" she said a little hesitant at first. "They said I assaulted a guard"
"I'm sorry" I said not knowing how to respond to that. "This society sucks" I thought.
"You see that bright star up there?" I asked pointing to the sky " That's the Ark, orbiting above us. I think whatever happened up there, you know the pain, maybe you can move past that now. Like maybe being on the ground is your second chance."

"Do you really believe that?" she asked me with a shaky voice.
"You have to" I said looking in her teary eyes.
Then I made her rest her head on my shoulder and we spent the night like that.

Octavia and I were outside, she wanted to see Atom who was with her brother and Murphy.

"Atom took his punishment, let it go" Bellamy said to Murphy.
I looked at Octavia giving her a "what's that supposed to mean" look.

Octavia threw water in their direction smirking at Atom. He glanced our way but then he turned to Bellamy.
"Look, Bellamy, people are scared. And that dying kid, he's not helping the morals around here" Atom said loud enough for me to hear. I scoffed. Bellamy glanced at me for a few seconds.
"Moral will go up when I find them more food."
What do we say when they ask about Trina and Pascal?" a guy asked.
"For now, nothing. It's possible they're just lost" Bellamy answered. "We'll keep an eye out for them when we go hunting later."
"Let's go kill something" Murphy agreed following Bellamy.

"You're not going." Bellamy said stopping him "I need you to stay here. If the Grounders are circling, I can't leave this place unprotected"
"Fine. But someone better tell Goggle Boy to keep it shut" Murphy said looking at me.
"Oh shut up" I said walking past him and Bellamy making sure to bump his shoulder in the process.

I went back to the drop ship to see how Jasper was doing. Now Clarke was cleaning his wounds.
"The Grounders cauterised his wounds." I said from next to Clarke. "It saved his life"
"Saved his life so they could string him up for live bait." Finn said "Garden of Eden this ain't."
"This is infected. He could be septic" Clarke said worried looking at his chest wound. "Any progress on using the wristbands to contact the ark?" She asked Monty.
"That would be a firm no" he said.
"My mother would know what to do" Clarke said as Wells entered the room.

"I wanted to ask you something" I said getting Clarke's attention "Are you Abby's kid?"
"How did you know?" she asked with a frown on her face.
"She told me what you looked like. She was the only person I talked to on the Ark. She was my doctor." I said.
"Oh" Clarke said.
Jasper's moans where now louder, he was suffering.

"Hold him down" I said to Clarke and Wells.
The did, I took a knife and anaesthetised it with a flame.
"I'm not gonna like this, am I?" Monty asked.
I shook my head.
"Hold him still" I said, Jasper was now screaming "I need to cut away the infected flesh" Then Jasper lost his senses.
"Stop it, you're killing him" Octavia screamed barging trough the door.
"She's trying to save his life" Finn defended me.
"She can't" Bellamy said entering the room.
"Back off" Wells said.
"We didn't drag him trough miles of woods just to let him die." Clarke said.
"Kid's a goner." Bellamy said "If you can't see that, you're delusional. He's making people crazy"
"Sorry if Jasper's an inconvenience to you, but this isn't the Ark" I said raising my head from looking at Jasper. "Down here every life matters" I finished.

"Take a look at him" Bellamy insisted, and I lowered my head "He's a lost cause"
Then I looked at Octavia whom was looking at Kasper with tears in her eyes.
"Octavia, I know what I'm doing. And if I say there's hope, there's hope" I said to comfort her.
"This isn't about hope, it's about guts" Bellamy said and I rolled my eyes in annoyance "You don't have the guts to make the hard choices. I do. He's been like this for three days. If he's not better by tomorrow, I'll kill him myself" He started to exit the room when he called Octavia.
"I'm staying here" she said without looking at him. I gave her a thankful smile.
"He doesn't care about anyone but himself. No offence" Monty said looking at Octavia.
"Yeah, Bellamy's all that. But he also happened to be right" Finn said looking at me.

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