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I noticed the blonde girl from before looking at a map so I approached her.

"Hey, I'm Naomi" I said offering he my hand to shake.
"Clarke" she responded shaking my hand.
"What do you have there" I asked pointing at the map in her otherwise hand.

"It's the map of the mountain we should have landed"
"They got the wrong coordinations?" I asked looking at the map.
She nodded pointing at the mountain in front of us.
"That's mount weather, there is where all the supplies are"
"We should go now, before it gets dark" I suggested and she nodded.

We started to plan what path we should take when a dark skinned boy came up to us. He said the communications system was dead.

"The important thing is getting to Mount Weather" I said taking Clarke's map.
"See" I started drawing on it "This is where we are, and that's where we have to go if we want to survive"

"Wow, where'd you learn to do that"
"My family had a house in the woods back in Italy. We didn't have wifi there unfortunately. This was the only way to orient there."

The two of them shared a confused look
"What are you talking about"
"What do you mean"
"Why did you say you had a house in Italy"
"Because I live there. I mean I used to" My tone was sad as I said it. "Wait you don't know?" I asked.
"Know what" asked Clarke.
"About the project" They shook their heads.
"Oh they- how do I say this? You know the film Captain America right?" They shook their heads again.
"Oh my god really, ignorant. Anyway they basically put me and other 200 people under a coma so that we could survive the nuclear war and they all brought us to the Ark unconscious. Then the survivors that were on the ship started to wake us but the radiation that effected us and the chemicals they used for the coma combined killed almost all of the "lab rats" died. By the time they found a cure I was the only one still alive and they woke me up a couple of months ago, yesterday they told me my whole family died and my planet was unliveable." I explained all at once, looking at the other prisoners that started to gather around us to listen at the explanation.

"That's what you meant before"
"And that explains what my father said earlier" said the dark skinned boy i learned was named Wells.
"Who's your father?" I asked looking at him.
"Hm" he looked hesitant
"He's the Chancellor Jaha" he said looking down. I nodded in response.

'' Cool, a map. They go a bar in this town? I'll buy you a beer.'' a guy said looking at the map and then smirking at Clarke.
'' You mind?'' wells said pushing him away.
''Hey, hey, hey. Hands off of him he's with us'' a guy said coming towards us with a dozen of other kids behind him.
''We're just trying to figure out where we are.'' Wells justified.
''On the ground. That not good enough for you?'' said Bellamy from where he stood with all the others, Octavia next to him.

Clarke and Wells explained we needed to find Mount Weather but they didn't care. Then the guy from before pushed Wells and they started to fight. A boy jumped from the roof of the drop ship and stopped them.

Wells got hurt at his leg so I made him sit on the ground so that I could check him. ''It's not that bad'' I said to myself.
''So Mount Weather, when do we leave?'' said the guy that saved Wells.
''Right now'' Clarke responded. ''We'll be back tomorrow with food'' she said now looking at Wells.
''How the two of you are gonna carry enough food for 100?'' he asked
''Four of us'' he said grabbing two kids from behind him. ''Can We go now''

''Sounds like a party'' Octavia said coming towards us wih Bellamy following behind her. ''Make it five''
''Hey what the hell are you doing?'' Bellamy asked finally catching up with his sister.
''Going for a walk'' she responded sarcastically.

''Six of us'' Clarke said looking at me. ''Naomi's coming too.''
''What?! No!'' I said standing up.
''You have to'' ''Why, so I can die?'' I asked.
''you're not gonna die. You know everything about the ground, you lived here''
''Yeah, in Italy not here'' I said ''I can bearly speak your language I know nothing about America''
''You're coming'' ''Uhh fine, but if you die it's on you, I don't take the blame''

''Let's go'' I said to the others after picking up my precious bag.

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