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Jungkook wakes up with a spinning head and an upset stomach. And an empty bed. He can deal with the dizziness and nausea but he hates waking up to an empty bed. "Tae?" It comes out almost pathetically. He truly feels like crap and that's all the power he could muster. It's been a good couple of weeks since the two of them met up with their friends so there's no way someone got him sick. "Taetae? He calls again.

He hears footsteps coming towards their shared bedroom door and it opens slowly. Tae walks in with a plate of Jungkook's favorite breakfast and a cup of banana milk. "Good morning baby, I made you breakfast," he leans down to give Jungkook his morning kiss. "Why did you leave the bed? It's so cold, and I don't feel good, hyungie," Jungkook whispers. He truly cannot deal with this nausea anymore.

"Oh my love, what's wrong?" His eyes go wide as Jungkook's hand flies to his own mouth and he quickly sits up. "Bun what's going on? Do you need to get sick?" Tae asks him. Jungkook nods quickly and Tae helps him up to the bathroom. They made it just in time. Jungkook throws up into the toilet with a concerned Tae rubbing his back gently.

He can bear the younger sniffling one when he finishes. He pulls Jungkook flush against his chest and presses kiss after kiss into his hair. "It's alright darling, it's out of you now. Shh it's okay baby," Tae whispers in his ear. He rocks them side to side while holding Jungkook close to him.

"You're alright Jungkookie, just breathe now I got you my love." Jungkook lets his tears fall and turns in Tae's hold so he can hug him. He doesn't know what's going on but he doesn't like it. "Baby does anything hurt?" Tae whispers. Jungkook shakes his head. "n-no but i'm really d-dizzy," he stutters. Something clicks in Tae's head. Could it be? It may be early but.. did it really happen on the first try? "Hey love?" Tae pulls Jungkook's head out of his neck and cups his face to wipe his tears. Jungkook hums as a way to answer him.

"Do you know what this could mean, bun?" Tae asks him. Jungkook thinks for a second then shakes his head again. Tae leans in close and presses their foreheads together. "I think it worked, pretty. I think there's a little something in your belly, my love," Tae whispers softly. Jungkook stills. Is it-? Could they really have a baby in his belly right now? Did it really work on the first try..?

"R-really hyungie? Do you think so?" Jungkook looks at Taehyung with lots of hope in his eyes. "I think so baby. Do you want to find out? I bought some tests for you at the store the other day. Do you want to take one?" Jungkook nods his head excitedly. "Alright love, let me grab you one."

Tae opens one of the drawers and pulls out a test for Jungkook to take. He unwraps it and hands it to him. "I'll wait outside while you take it okay?" Jungkook gives him a sweet and hopeful kiss. "Okay," he says with a smile. 'Fuck, please let this test be positive' Tae thinks. He lets Jungkook do his business as he goes to get the blanket he bought at the store, and banana milk for him. He knows his husband will be disappointed if the test is negative but he knows how happy he will be if it's positive.

He goes back to the bedroom and sits on the bed waiting for Jungkook. He hears water running and a minute later the door opens. "We have to wait 3 minutes, hyungie," Jungkook says nervously. "What if it's not positive?" He asks Tae. "Baby we don't know if it's negative yet. And if it is then we will either wait for a few more weeks or we will try again. We will have a baby, I promise you." Tae strokes Jungkook's back with his fingers. "I hope so.." Jungkook whispers.

The two sit in a comfortable silence as Tae pulls Jungkook into his lap and wraps his arms around his waist tightly. "Tae, I think it's ready," Jungkook takes in a shaky breath. "Alright baby. Do you want me to flip it for us?" Jungkook nods, tears falling from his eyes. Tae presses a kiss into his curly hair and holds his hand.

"Jungkookie, I love you. No matter if it's positive or not. You are my husband, yeah? If it doesn't work out this time then we will try again okay?" Tae whispers. Jungkook pulls his face down to give him one last kiss before everything changes. Good or bad they don't know yet but they are going to find out. "Ready my love? Take deep breaths okay?" Tae tells him. Jungkook nods and Tae takes the pregnancy test in his hands.


Tae squeezes his hand tighter.


Jungkook leans his head on Tae's shoulder.


Their hearts drop.


The word pregnant is displayed across the small digital screen. Jungkook bursts into tears and throws his arms around Tae's neck and sobs into his chest. "Oh my god baby.." Tae whispers in disbelief. He reciprocates Jungkook's hug and runs his fingers through his hair, letting his own tears fall. "Jungkookie, sweet  boy, we did it," Tae chokes on a sob. He takes Jungkook's face in his hands and puts his forehead against his own.

"We are gonna have our little baby, love." Tae pulls Jungkook in for the slowest kiss. Full of absolutely nothing but love and affection. Once he pulls away he moves down Jungkook's body and lifts his shirt up. "Hey baby. You are in your dada's belly. He is going to take the best care of you so don't you worry. All I ask is that you treat him well okay? He wants to meet you so bad. So be healthy for us okay? Come see us in nine months and we promise we will be the best parents you could ever ask for." He places a featherlight, sweet kiss on Jungkook's belly.

He moves back up to cup Jungkook's face again. "We are a family baby. I love you darling, we did it." Jungkook pulls him in for another hug, tears still streaming down his face. "W-we did it. I love you more Tae."

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