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Jungkook shoots up at the sound of his daughter's wails. Tae feels the sudden movement and wakes up from his own slumber to hear his baby crying through the monitor, and Jungkook quickly trying to slip out of the bed. "No no no baby stay here I'll get her. You are still healing. I don't want you running to her. I'll bring Soo here, yeah?" Jungkook looks back at him and hesitantly sits back down with his back against the headboard.

Tae gives a reassuring kiss to his husband and walks out of the room to their daughter's nursery. He truds towards the bassinet and scoops his little baby into his arms. "Oh my goodness baby girl you have so many tears hm? Shh Appa's here It's alright." He bounces up and down, giving his best efforts in calming one month old Sooyae. "Dada is worried about you Soo Soo. Let's go see him, okay? We want him to be happy so he needs some baby cuddles."

Tae gets her baby blanket and cat plushie that was given to them by Areun and her parents, and quietly walks back to their room. Sooyae has stopped crying, but is still very fussy. Tae strides through the doorway with the little bundle in his arms, looking at his adorable husband. "Tae, is she okay? Is she hurt? Does she need to be fed? I knew we should have kept her crib in here.. I'm failing her, look at her cheeks! She's so red from crying, Tae what have I-"

"Baby she is alright I promise. She's not hurt, you aren't failing her, and babies cry my love. Soo Soo is okay, see? She wants you to hold her." Tae sits on the edge of the bed directly next to Jungkook, holding Sooyae out so he can see her. The baby has her arms extended out to her Dada to be held, and who is Jungkook to ignore her? He carefully takes her into his hold and rocks her side to side.

"I think she might be a little hungry darling, do you want me to get a bottle made?" Tae caresses his arm as Jungkook stares down at their daughter. "No It's alright I'll feed her here. It's quicker that way." Tae crawls over to his side of the bed and takes the baby back in his hold while Jungkook lifts his shirt and puts a pillow on his lap.

"I'm ready Tae." His husband nods at him and passes their daughter back to Jungkook. "My sweet girl, are you hungry? Dada will feed you so you feel better. Then maybe we can ask Appa to sing us to sleep, yeah?" Jungkook whispers in his daughter's ear as she latches to his chest. Tae watches the whole interaction with a smile on his face. He lowers his head onto his husband's shoulder and watches his daughter feed with her eyes wide open.

"She has your eyes baby, you see that? Everytime I look at them I think of you and your big, beautiful doe eyes that never hesitate to lure me in further. She is your little clone. I love having a mini Jungkookie, I hope she grows up to be just like you," Tae boops his nose. Jungkook giggles at his husbands words and admires the baby that has finished feeding in his arms.

Jungkook lowers his shirt and moves the baby up to his shoulder to burp her. "I hope she grows up like you Taetae. Strong, independent, sweet.. and the most beautiful in the whole wide world." They share a slow, intimate kiss, mindful of the baby on Jungkook's shoulder. "Alright my love It's almost 3:30 in the morning and you need sleep. I'll take the baby back to her room." Tae reaches out to take Sooyae back to her crib, but Jungkook holds her tighter.

"Can we just bring the bassinet in here? I feel better knowing she is in the same room as us again. Please love..?" Jungkook is so worried about something happening to the little baby in his arms, that he wants her to be as close as possible all the time. "Okay baby, I'll bring it in. But once I put her down I want you to get some sleep okay? If she wakes up hungry again I'll make her a bottle. I don't only let you feed her this late because you were scared. But now my precious baby husband needs his own sleep, alright?"

Jungkook nods with a pout adorning his lips. Tae kisses that pout right away and leaves to go bring in the bassinet. "You have the absolute best Appa in the world, Soo Soo. He loves us so so so much!" Jungkook says in a hushed voice as he kisses the top of his daughter's head. Tae walks back in, wheeling the bassinet over to Jungkook's side of the bed. "Say goodnight to her, baby. I promise she will be okay, I am right here to help her."

Jungkook gives his baby one last kiss and places her gently in the bassinet, covering her with her baby blanket and popping a pacifier in her mouth. "I love you, Sooyae. Be good overnight for Appa okay? He wants me to rest but he needs rest too. So let Appa rest with Dada and we will give you so many cuddles in the morning," Jungkook whispers in her ear.

He lays back down and Tae puts the bassinet on his own side of the best so he can get to her quickly if needed. He climbs into bed next to his husband and Jungkook lays his head on his chest, with Tae's fingers carding through his hair. "I love you sweet boy, sleep well baby." Tae kisses the top of his head. "I love you more Tae."

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