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Jungkook took 5 more tests that morning. That's how he was going to tell his friends. He was going to give each of them a gift and they will all open them at the same time to reveal the tests. As he waits for each one to load, his heart swells every time one shines that positive on the little display. He makes sure that he takes each one out to show Tae that he is pregnant for sure.

He places all the tests in their own gift boxes and sets them by the door. They are getting ready to go to the Min house for their Christmas party with the 7 of them. Plus Areun and the little one in Jungkook's belly. Jungkook is fixing his hair when Tae steps behind him in the mirror and places his head on his shoulder and his hands on Jungkook's stomach with a kiss on his cheek. Jungkook lowers his arms to rest on Tae's, and relaxes his head back on his shoulder. Tae sways them side to side slowly, taking in this precious moment with his beautiful husband.

"I love you Jungkookie."

"I love you Taetae."

Tae slowly sinks to his knees and lifts Jungkook's shirt to show his stomach. Jungkook tangles his finger in Tae's hair as he looks at him with fondness in his eyes. Tae presses a gentle kiss to Jungkook's belly and then leans his forehead against it. "I love you little one. Appa and dada love you so much. Please come join us in this world sweet baby. We want you so bad you have no idea. Be safe in there okay? Keep your dada happy for appa alright?" Tae whispers to his belly.

Jungkook giggles at his husband's antics. "Tae you keep me happy already why does the baby have to do that now?" He asks. "Darling, you have wanted a baby for so long. You were so happy when we found out you were pregnant with Minyi and I haven't seen you happy in that way in so long. Now we have this little one. I can tell how excited you are and I just know that that is because of this little cutie in your belly, baby. So I want him or her to keep you happy like this for as long as possible because It's such a beautiful thing to see."

Jungkook starts to tear up at his husband's words. He gets down onto his knees and takes Tae's hands into his own. "I love you Tae. And you make me so happy. This baby is just another reminder of you and I will always love both of you with my whole heart. I am excited to have this little bean with you. I know you will support me and be there with me every step of the way. I have the absolute best husband in the whole world," Jungkook smiles.

Tae pulls him in for a deep kiss and makes a slight tug at Jungkook's curls. He slips his hand under Jungkook's shirt and Jungkook pulls away quickly. "Mmm- Tae we don't have time for that right now." Tae doesn't care. He will make time. He wants to show his husband how much he loves him. He stands up and gathers Jungkook in his arms. Jungkook lets out so many giggles. He knows that he lost this fight. Tae sets him down on the bed gently and goes back to kissing him passionately.

He takes Jungkook's wrists and holds them above his head, tight enough to make him groan at the pleasure but not tight enough to hurt him. He would NEVER hurt him. He starts moving his kisses to his neck and collarbone, using his other hand to play with the waistband of his jeans. "Do you want twins, baby? I can give you another one," Tae smirks.

"Mmgh- Tae I don't think that's how that works l-love," He giggles breathlessly. Tae has such an effect on him. It's crazy. "Sure it is," Tae whispers. He starts undressing both of them, hungry to get a taste of his husband. He pulls Jungkook's knees up to get him in a better position. "Baby be-" Jungkook gets cut off. "I got you darling. I'll be careful I promise. Wouldn't want to hurt our sweet little baby in your belly would I?" After those words, Jungkook lets Tae have his way with him.


They arrive slightly late to the Min house because of the little fun they had. Jungkook has all of their gifts in the bag in his hands and he is more nervous than ever. He hopes they react well. They decided as a group that they are just going to exchange gifts instead of making a big dinner. That way Jimin and Yoongi don't have to stress about cooking while watching after their baby.

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