Chapter 29

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Dean's p.o.v

Dean watched as Cas cut into the steak and took a bite. He chewed and swallowed it thoughtfully before eating some asparagus and a bite of the roasted potatoes. After he was done chewing, he looked to Dean, "It's probably better than what the cook usually makes." He said with a smile.

Dean gave him a smirk, "Oh, I know it's better than what he makes. Maybe I need to teach him a few things." He could feel his cheeks and the tips of his ears heating at Cas enjoying his food. They ate in relative silence for a while other than Cas giving small moans to each bite he took, making Dean blush even more.

Dean got up halfway through them eating and pulled the pie from the oven, setting it aside to cool, "You better save room for that, or else I will feel highly insulted." He said, smiling to Cas, who was eyeing the pie with its perfectly browned top.

Cas pushed his plate away, "Then you better take this from me now cause I don't think I have any self-control right now and will keep going until I'm  stuffed."

Dean finished up his plate as Cas watched him eat. When he was done, he got down two dessert plates and a tub of vanilla ice cream. He cut the pie and plated it, sliding Cas' to him as he stayed standing on the other side of the kitchen island. He watched as Cas loaded up his fork with a serving of pie and ice cream and bite into it, his eyes going wide. "Jesus christ." He mumbled out as he chewed.

Dean beamed to this before taking his own bite, "I know, right?" Cas to his surprise ate his whole slice, and a part of Dean felt proud that he liked his cooking so much. He'd never shared it with anyone, and while he thought he was pretty good, it was nice for Cas to validate that.

Once Dean was gathering their plates to rinse them off and load them in the dishwasher, Cas spoke up, "So, how're you feeling about earlier? Having a face to place now?"

Dean kept scrubbing one handed at the pan in the sink for a moment, thinking it through. "Not much different, I don't guess. It was...hard to hear his voice again. But at least now I have a face to go with everything, and a target for when we do make a move on them."

Cas sat there looking him over, Dean feeling his stare on his back. He turned to Cas, "This isn't gonna make me spiral if that's what you're thinking. I know I'm fucked up from it. And I know you probably think I'm weak but-"

"I've never once thought you were weak, Dean." Cas said quietly.

Dean looked to him, "Well you'd be the first. Even I think that. And compared to what you went through, my few weeks is nothing to what they did to you. And look at you compared to me, out here doing something about it while I was perfectly fine to just stay hiding."

Cas shook his head, "It's not about who had what worse, or who bounced back better. You're here. I'm here. And we're going to get our own justice."

Dean put the last plate in the dishwasher. "So you don't think that I'm just spoiled goods?" He said fiddling with the dish towel in his hand.

"Do you think I am? Or do you think I'm just some delicate little bitch that should just roll over and give up?" Cas asked leaning his head into his hand.

Dean quickly looked up to him, "I would never even get close to thinking you're those things, especially delicate."

Cas nodded, "Then put that thinking back on yourself."

Dean tossed the towel down and looked to Cas, "I'd like to try tonight."

"Try what?" Cas asked, tilting his head

Dean shifted on his feet, looking Cas over, "I'd like to try being with you. Without a drug or without plotting out murders. Just a normal try at it."

Cas' eyes went a little wide to this, "Are you sure? You've kind of been through a lot today, Dean. I'm not pushing you on it, especially today."

Dean nodded, "I just feel like I want to replace those memories. And right now, his voice is circling in my head on repeat, and I want to drown him out."

Cas sat there for a moment before he gave a nod, "Alright but if you get overwhelmed, we're stopping."

"You've changed a lot." Dean commented. "Wasn't that long ago you had five people crawling on me while I begged you to stop."

Cas stood walking for the door to the kitchen, "Yeah well, don't think too much on it Winchester, I still think you look good with tears in your eyes, I'm just playing nice for now." He said as he left Dean standing there.

Dean grinned after the man. He didn't know why Cas was changing. Or exactly when the shift had started to happen, but Cas was growing on him. He didn't hate him, didn't resent him for much, and was actually coming around to him. He didn't know if after their little revenge plot if Cas would still even hold true to the contract his dad had signed, signing Dean over to Cas. And Dean wasn't too bothered with that detail to ask either. He was getting comfortable here and was starting to realize he'd never really fit in anywhere before, never felt like he belonged anywhere. But here wasn't feeling half bad.

The door swung open, and he thought it would be Cas telling him to get a move on, but it was Benny, who looked from the pie dish on the counter to him. "Thought y'all had left so I could finally get a slice." Benny said in all seriousness.

Dean just smirked at him, gesturing to the pie, "She's all yours, buddy." He said, walking by the man and patting him on the shoulder. Dean gave a little laugh as he heard the aluminum foil being ripped off the pie. Yeah, here wasn't so bad.

He made his way up the stairs, having not seen Cas in the living room, to the bedroom. He did really want to try tonight and was anxious to start. He opened the bedroom door, thinking Cas may have decided to shower first, but when the door opened, Dean paused before quickly shutting it behind him. Cas was on the bed, completely nude except for Dean's collar around his neck with his leash attached to it. Cas crawled down the bed, smiling at Dean and holding the leash out to him. "Maybe a little role reversal tonight, Winchester." He said with a smirk.

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