Chapter 51

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Castiel's p.o.v

Cas stared at Benny, his gun still pointed at him as his heart fell to his stomach, the color draining from his face. "Who took him." He whispered out. It wasn't even really a question. He knew who was behind all of this.

"It was Styne men." Benny breathed out as he grabbed the barrel to Cas' gun, lowering it away from his face.

Cas sat back stunned. "We have to go back. We don't know for sure that they took him." He said panic, lacing his voice.

Benny shook his head, "We can't go back. It's too dangerous. Plus, I..." He paused, moving slowly to retrieve his phone. "This was sent to me." He held it out for Cas. "It was sent to the both of us." Benny said as Cas grabbed at the phone.

It was a picture of one of his men. The guy had been with Cas for a while now, was always assigned direct duty to his detail, straight from Benny's orders. The man was beaten bloody, a gunshot wound between his eyes, and carved onto his chest the words 'RAT' in all capital letters. Cas glanced to the number of the sender immediately recognizing it as Jacob's. Below the picture was a text message: "Taking care of two problems for you today flower.'

Cas felt like he was about to be sick. He's known for a while now he's had a rat in their midst. Jacob found out all too quickly about him purchasing Dean months ago. Benny's been working to figure out who it is but hadn't actually identified anyone yet. It's why no one outside of his family and Benny knew about Sarurday. Why they were going to wait to inform his men until the morning of, so whoever the rat was couldn't warn the Styne's. He'd been so careful.

But this didn't mean they knew anything about Saturday. A lot of his men knew about today, especially the man in the photo, so maybe everything wasn't totally fucked.

But then his thoughts quickly turned back to Dean. The text stated that Jacob was taking care of two problems today. "He fucking has him Ben." Cas whispered out. "He'll kill him. Or deliver him to Eldon as a peace offering for taking over the business now. He's fucked."

Benny stared ahead, his mouth a straight stern line. "We will figure this out. I'll do some digging, make sure that Saturday is still a secret. He just has to survive there for three days."

"And what if he doesn't?!" Cas yelled at his closest friend.

Benny didn't even flinch to this but turned concerned eyes to Cas. "Jacob wants control over you. Wants to reign you in. Hopefully, he understands that if he kills Dean that you wouldn't hesitate to bring hell to his doorstep. So we have to hope he will keep him alive to get you back."

Cas sat back into the seat, staring out the window. He knew if anything happened to Dean, he'd be lost. What little bit of humanity Dean had brought out of him leaving him entirely, he could already feel a little bit of it slipping away. He could feel the hot bubbling anger building in his chest, the fire only Dean had been able to settle. He noticed the streets they were taking. "Where are we going?"

"Your family has been notified of the attack. The location has moved to Gabriel's place instead." Benny said quickly and efficiently, sensing the change in Cas' demeanor.

Cas realized he was still holding Benny's phone and tossed it back to him, "Call Samuel Winchester. Get him there now."

Benny nodded quickly, texting Sam's guards to get him moving before calling the man himself. Cas could hear curses and yelling as Benny held the phone to his ear, explaining to Sam what had happened.

Cas felt at the back of his head, a large portion of it tender to the touch and blood caking his hair. He looked down his body, noticing how ripped and torn his shirt and pants were, a sleeve hanging loose from his suit jacket. His ribs felt off, and the ringing was still roaring in his ears. But all he could feel within himself was that wrath. He would take his sweet time killing Jacob for this and all the other shit he's done to him. And Dean better be alive when he gets there in three days, or he might just keep Jacob hanging on between life and death for years.

Dean's p.o.v

Dean's eyes felt like they were coated in sandpaper as he blinked into consciousness. His vision blurry as he brought his hands up to rub at them. Dust and grime covered his hands, but he did what he could to clear his eyes.

He checked himself over first, his hand feeling mostly fine, if not a little sore. His back was bothering him, though, and his ribs, but nothing felt broken. He felt at his head and noted a stream of blood dried at his temple. His legs and all appendages bending as they should. He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to remember what had happened. They were walking to the car one minute, then the next an explosion, and he was tossed back. He remembered landing not far from Cas, but as he got up to go to him, he was tackled, and he was thrown in a vehicle before something hit him in the head, and everything went dark.

His eyes popped open as he took in his surroundings, his chest going tight as he recognized the room he was in. The basement floor was dirty but not yet covered in his blood and filth. A familiar cot in one corner, a bucket in the other, and a bare dim light bulb hanging from the ceiling with a pull chain. The metal door locked with a small plexiglass window at the top of it, big enough to look out of or for others to look in at him.

He was back at the Styne's.

He refused to curl in on himself and weep, even though that's what his mind was telling him to do. He stood readying himself for anything, he checked around the room for anything he could use as a weapon but of course the room was bare besides for the flimsy plastic bucket he was meant to use as a toilet.

He paced the room until the locks on the door started turning a face appearing in the plexi glass he'd only seen a few times before. The door opened, and Jacob stepped inside, looking him over with a grin. "My little flower's pet has arrived." He said with a grin advancing to Dean. He looked to Dean as his face fell to a look of disgust, "I would have played nice if he'd just gotten rid of you like I asked. But now I have to teach you both a lesson, huh?" Dean glanced to his hand, seeing him gripping a knife, "Unfortunately it will be a hard lesson for you, dog."

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