~Kyle pov~

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I leaned back against my wall staring up at the ceiling. I glanced back down at my phone. I had sent Stan, my best friend since first grade, about ten messages begging him to answer me and hang out but he just reads the messages and goes off line not answering. I burry my head in my arms and start crying. Stan had been distant for a while, in fact ever since butters and Kenny came out as a couple everyone had been acting weird. Stan was distant it was barely noticeable at first but now he seems like it pains him to talk to me, he's so nervous and always  wants to get away. The weirder thing is that cartman has also changed towards me. He's either scarily Nice to me or unusually mean again, and the worst thing, I keep seeing cartman and stan talking and looking at things on there phone. I've tried talking to stan but he just makes excuses to leave. I'm starting to think he hates me. I hear my mother call me downstairs for dinner but I don't respond or get up, I just turn and lay down, attempting to fall asleep. I tuck my knees up to me chest in my bed and continue to cry when I hear a notification on my phone. I shoot up excitedly and grab my phone, I was hoping it was stan but half of me knew it wouldn't be though. I grabbed my phone and sure enough it was Kenny. I sigh and click onto the contact. There's a knocking on my door that I assume to be my mother. 'What...' I ask shakily. 'Mom says dinners ready are you coming down?' My little brother replies. I get up and open the door to my room. 'Tell her I'm not hungry.' I say quietly. 'Okay.. wait are you crying?' He asks worried. I wipe my eyes on my sleeve and look back down at him. 'No just erm, it doesn't matter okay I'm fine.' I answer him and he looks away defeated. 'Okay.' He answers, he says something else as well but I can't hear as I close my door. I go back to my bed and look at Kenny's contact.
Ken: hey you going to school tomorrow?
Me: why wouldn't I be?
Ken: I mean after what happened on Friday I wouldn't
Me: oh not remind me Kenny!
Ken: sorry sorry
Me: anyways I'll meet you guys at the bus stop yeah?
Ken: yep.
I turn my phone off and turn away. I feel exited as I feel the opportunity to talk to stan and maybe figure things out. I wouldn't have ever thought I would be this desperate to talk to stan or we'll anyone really. I look down at my shaky hands and sift through my memories to try and figure of why he became so distant. It was the day Kenny and butters came out to us that was it.

~2 weeks ago~
I was standing against the locker with stan we were laughing and joking as usual while cartman stands there either bored or annoyed. Kenny walks over with butters and they both look worried or uncomfortable. 'Are you two okay?' I ask concerned walking to I was stood next to Stan rather than in front of him. Kenny nods and butters smiles at us. I grab both of there arms and lead them away from the group. 'What's wrong.' I ask them finally when we were in an isolated area of the school. 'Eh we're fine really we just wanted to tell you guys something. That's all' Kenny says looking down on butters who looks really nervous. I nod my head indicating them to start talking.'okay so me and butters are well, dating' Kenny says finally as the two smile at each other. I excitedly congratulate them and lead them back to the group. Stan look irritated with cartman. I re joined next to Stan and Kenny and butters told them there news. I immediately felt something shift with Stan and cartman. Cartman begun his usual slurs and shut taping but, Stan just stayed silent. Soon after this the bell ring and we went to class Stan till hadn't said a word. I felt worried he was upset or something but once classes ended I had already forgotten as he was back to normal. For now

~present time~
Ike knocks in my door again and walks in with a plate of food. I look at him with sad eyes. 'Mom told me to bring you food incase you get hungry later.' He said looking at me. 'Okay thanks..' I reply. 'Are you sure you're okay.' He asks walking to the edge of my bed. 'I'm fine, stans just being weird, don't worry.' I say gently. 'Can I sleep in here with you?' He asks climbing up next to me. 'Of corse I reply and we sit on my bed and watch you tube on my phone. After hours of doing this we both fall asleep.

____________________________________woooo new story! This story will be a bit angsty but not tooo much bc I literally cry when I read style angst I don't know why- I'm really weird anyways
Have a wonderful day/night/afternoon

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