~kyle pov~

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"He's alive you may go see him." My heart rate picked up as I heard those words swirling round my head. "He's alive, he's alive, he's alive, he's alive." I stoped I felt tears gush out my eyes as I turned, not even letting him finish his sentence. "He's alive, he's alive" I grabbed the door, my eyes desperate and devastated. I pulled the heavy hospital room door as hard as I could. "He's alive, he's alive, he's alive" the door swing open and crashed against the wall as I stumbled into the room with the rest of the doctors and Stan. "He's alive" I felt my head pounding and the blood rushed through my body. Tears continued to fall out my eyes like rain as I stumbled forwards towards Stan who was laying still in the bed. "He's alive..." my breath stops when I see him, his eyes are open and he's okay, he's okay. Everything was a blur and I don't quite remember how it happened but I was somehow sobbing holding his hand tightly in the floor next to him, my eyes wet as I hold tightly onto his arm. I kept repeating those words over and over again now out loud under my breath. "He's actually alive..... he's alive.... He's alive." I whisper on repeat like a broken hearted record. My heart ached and split inside my chest. there eyes were glued to me, the doctors I could feel them staring daggers at me as I sit on the floor holding his hand tight. I was so overwhelmed with pure pain and happiness when I heard him speaking to me in a soft voice. "Don't... cry... I'm okay...." As soon as I hear his voice I stand up and stare at him, my teary eyes leaving wet trails and streaks down my pale cheeks dusted with freckles. Stan looks pale and unwell but he's alive and I can't feel my legs, I collapse next to him laying my head gently on the bed next to him as I re grab his unusually pale hand. "I know.... I know...." I say in an equally soft and gentle voice smiling at him as I do so. Eventually the doctor comes back in and begins to tell us that Stan will be able to leave soon. Smiling ecstatically I reply, "wait wait wait. He can leave, tomorrow!  So we can like go home?" The doctor smiles and nods his head in response. I turn and grin widely at Stan and he is mirroring my looks of excitement and relief. I sit myself gently on the edge of the bed as the large door closes behind the doctor who was presumable moving onto a new patient. I grab my phone out my pocket and stare at the screen. A large crack mirroring the one ripping through my heart when I thought I'd lost Stan splits down the screen and an old picture of me and Stan from a year ago. I smile softly at the picture, I was clinging tightly onto him with one hand while sitting on his back and taking the picture with the other, Stan on the other hand was smirking at me like he was planning something. I chuckle lightly and finish the event in my head, he then pulls me round so he's holding me like a baby and throws me up in the air catching me again. The memory of that day was one of the best. I don't know how long I was staring at the picture, I had completely zoned out that I hadn't noticed Stan sitting up and looking with me when a notification caught both of our eyes. I felt myself gasp and Stans body tensed next to me. It was a message from Kenny, and before it cut off with three small dots it read 'Kyle, cartman got ares...' my heart drops and picks back up as I click onto the the full message with shaking hands Stan watching my every move over my shoulder and holding onto my free hand.
Ken: Kyle, cartman got arrested! Can't believe it my parents just told me what do you think he did? Or do you already know.
Me: I know, glad he got arrested too. Deserved it.
Ken: omg what did he do? Was it really that bad?
Me: I'll ask Stan if I can say,
I don't even have to talk before he says gently, "you can tell him what happened I don't mind it's not like he'll go round spreading rumours." I nod my head and type out the whole story and watch as Kenny reads the message.
Ken: omfg that bastard. You two okay?
Me: Yh we're fine now we can go home tomorrow so we'll see you and the others then?
Ken: ye that's fine, I'll tell the others we'll meet at urs or Stan's?
Me: Stan's house it'll be easier for us and everyone to get to,
Ken: alr can I still take with ya tho if the others don't answer I'm bored asf
Me: sure we have nothing better to do anyways.
Me and Stan lay down in the bed and talk with Kenny about various different things, after hours of doing so we both call into deep peaceful sleep. Maybe now things will be better from now on.

~then next day when they get back home~
Sighing loudly I dump all my stuff to sleep over on to the floor, I had to help Stan get upstairs then I'd be right back down to put those where they actually belong. I loop my arm around his waist and we walk slowly up the stairs and into Stans room. He lays down on his bed with a soft sigh as I jokingly role my eye at him, "oh come on you just have to lay there and not cause any trouble I have to actually do everything!" I say teasing as I leave his room as he laughs to himself as my response. I walk slowly back down the stairs and look at my phone. Another text from Kenny, this time it reads, 'hey, everyone's coming over in two hours that good?' I smile and reply as I put our backpacks and Stans nee medicine in the cabinet. I head back upstairs to Stan and we wait for our friends to arrive. I still can't believe what has happened yesterday but I'm so glad Stan is alive and okay. Hopefully we never have to deal with cartman ever again.

____________________________________heyyyyy im so sorry for the delay I haven't had any motivation and I've been helping one of my friends with other friendship problems and all that jazz so yeah, fun. Anyways! Has anyone watched or is watching hazbin hotel? If not don't worry bout it but I love it! If you don't know what I'm on about then maybe don't read this but yeah, would anyone be interested in a hazbin hotel book if anyone watches it. If not that's fine just a question anyways have a wonderful day/night/evening

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