~kyles pov~

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I sat in the living room next to my brother and parents bored. I hadn't realised the time when I heard knocking on the door. I immediately stood up, too quickly obviously but I didn't care as I rushed to the door. My brother and parents looking at me confused as I hurried towards the door. My head pounded with every step but I just assumed that it was due to being nervous, I was still surprised after what had happened in the bathrooms today. Were they talking about me the whole time? If they were what did Cartman mean by 'I won't hurt him physically?' I stumbled around trying to open the door through my blurred vision. I shook my head and the bursts of pain stopped. I took a deep breath and went to grab the door handle. I opened the door to see Stan stood there awkwardly. I felt a lush spread across my face. He was stood there with one hand running through his straight black hair the tips still stained bleach blonde ,from when we'd dyed his hair without permission on his birthday at 2 am last year, he pushed his hair to one side smiling awkwardly, his smile was burned deep into my brain as I had seen it so many times, his deep stormy eyes staring back at mine. Black skinny jeans and a loose white top covered by a blue jacket. 'Kyle stop staring that's rude!' I heard my mother shout as I snapped out of my thoughts realising I had been staring at Stan the whole time. I felt my face burn red as I looked away awkwardly gesturing for him to come in, he did so. 'Uhm let's just erm... go to my room.' I stated nervously making him giggle. 'Okay carrot.' He said gently making me blush even more. I shack my head and I drag him up the stairs and into my room before I could embarrass myself anymore. As soon as I get into my room I lock the door and turn back to Stan. 'Oh... I erm... this is uhhh awkward.' He looked down scratching at his arms nervously. 'Hey! Stop it!' I shout running over to him and pulling his hand away. He looks at me smiling shyly as I feel worry consume me. 'Don't do it again okay.' I say walking into the bathroom and grabbing some wet tissue to put on the burning area. I sigh and look at him. 'So can you please explain what the hell happened today.' I say finally, I look up at him with a pained expression. Not only because of what's happened but because I had to look up to see him properly. He laughed softly at me and sat down on the chair as I rubbed my neck letting out a soft 'ow'.
He then turned back with a serious expression. I grabbed my water bottle and took a sip. 'Cartman has a crush on you.' Stan randomly blurted out without any warning, causing me to choke on the water. 'He has a what on me!' I shout back become in slightly agitated. The audacity. Stan sigh softy. 'Okay. I should probably explain, so when Kenny and butters came out to us they made me realise something.. and I'll tell you but I don't want this to affect our friendship in any way.. if you don't erm fell the same way.' He said finally. At that second something inside me clicked. I felt a sudden rush of confidence, I sat on the bed beside him. 'But there's actually a question I've been meaning to ask you.' Stan says softly. Looking down at my hands that had subconsciously held on to his. 'Of course as long as it's not will you be my boyfriend.' I answer and watch his face shift a sadness wash over him. He stayed silent and I realised. 'Oh god... it is will you be my boyfriend..' I say looking at him sympathetically. 'Well I'm not gonna say it now you spoiled the moment.' He says sadly as I feel a deep regret consume me. 'Is it will you be my boyfriend?!' I ask panicked as I right now in this moment u wished it was. 'Kyle the moments gone.' He said tears pricking his eyes. 'No! No no no!' I shout jumping up as he looked at me. 'Wait wait.' I say looking at him desperately. 'Kyle..' Stan says as I interrupt him 'Start again!' I shout back at him as he looks at me shyly. 'Start again!' I shout running out the room leaving him confused. 'No no I'm not gonna- it's just-' he starts but doesn't finish. Before I re enter my room. 'I've just come back in my room and you say I've got a question to ask you!' I say desperately as he finally catches on to what I was saying and doing. 'And I don't say anything!' I continue making him smile. I stare at him feeing the chance slipping away from me as he looks down at the floor. 'And then.. you.. say..' I finish looking at Stan with teary eyes. He smiles at me and grabs my hands in his. 'Kyle Broflovski will you be my boyfriend.' He says finally, we both blush and stare into each other's eyes. Tears slide down my face as I cry throwing my arms around his neck and screaming. 'Yes yes yes! I will be your boyfriend!' I says crying happily into his neck. He smiles softly at me rubbing my back in circular motions. 'Okay okay calm down carrot,' Stan says smirking. As I look up with a pout on my face. 'Well you're a marshmallow!' I say back to him as he laughs in response. 'Wait a minute didn't you say cartman had a crush on me?' I say suddenly startling Stan. He just rolls his eyes in response. 'Okay okay so when Kenny and butters confessed cartman said he had a crush on you I got annoyed and said that I would get you first. He got really pissed we had like 5 fights then I started being distant with you because I felt like throwing up every time you were close to me and I was really nervous. And then the thing in the bathroom happened.' He explained gently stroking my ginger curls. I look at the floor and lean closer in to him. 'Stan what if cartman hurts me again... and what did he mean when he said he won't hurt me physically..' I say quietly as he turns to face me properly. 'Don't worry about him ky I won't let him do anything to you.and I don't know what he meant by that' Stan says gently stroking my hair. I look up to him nodding as he smiles at me. 'Thanks marshmallow.' I say gently as I feel myself become tired. I feel Stan smirk against me. 'Does that mean you think I taste nice?' Stan says laughing. I look up at him pouting. When an idea springs to mind. 'Wells have to see about that.' I say before kissing him. I feel him smile as we both pull apart. 'So what's your rating carrot.' He says laughing as he knows I hate being called a carrot. 'I think you taste nice but you're an asshole.' I say bitterly as we lay back down next to each other. The dark night sky creeping into my room as Stan flicks off the light switch. Kissing my forehead. I turn over and hug him resting my head on his shoulder. 'Can you stay the night pleaseee.' I plead looking at him with puppy dog eyes. He smiles and rubs my back gently. 'Of course.' He replies. I snuggle down. School tomorrow is gonna be really fun. As I begin to fall asleep I can't help but feel worried about if cartman finds out..... but he won't right..... RIGHT?

____________________________________wooo style also yes I used inspiration for the will you be my bf but and my best friend was very exited abt the whole 'okay carrot' thing in the beginning so yeah. Thx for that Anna1Loading
Go read her story the watcher
Have a wonderful day/night/afternoon

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