~kyle pov~

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"STAN!" I screech as I run and pull his bloody body up into my arms as I wrap him up trying my best to stop the bleeding but he's already unconscious. I scream louder than ever and I can hear the sirens of an ambulance in the back ground as tears pour out my eyes. Faint laughter of cartman echos round the room and the blood drips rapidly out Stan's wounds. I watch in horror as his eyes close, I just sit there in complete shock and fear. Crying I stand up and walk shakily to the door, I hadn't seen but cartman had run up the stairs. The paramedics ran in towards Stan and I stood there crying. Everything was a blur but I somehow ended up screaming at the paramedics I wanted to go in the ambulance. Eventually the police showed up and I was taken to the back of the ambulance and I felt my head crack inside my chest as I saw Stan sat on the been blood pooling underneath and around him as different types of machines were keeping him breathing. I stayed still crying as I sat gently on a seat next to Stan. I grabbed his hand as my eyes dripped with salty tears. I rubbed my eyes as I stared at his limp bloody body as the ambulance started to move and the paramedics started to rush around checking all of his vitals as I cry my eyes out holding his hand lacing my hands in his and pulling it up resting it over my mouth to quiet my sobs. His hands are cold and stiff. I continue crying and the ambulance ride feels like it takes hours but we eventually arrive at the hospital. One of the paramedics has to grab onto my hand and lead me out the ambulance followed by Stan on a stretcher. I was shaking and crying to hard and I couldn't walk or move. My boyfriend was dying. I was gonna lose the one person who I cared about so much. I physically couldn't breathe until he was okay. I could not hear anything as there was a loud ringing in my ears but it was interrupted by one of the doctors telling me something that made me snap back into my body. "Well, you can't be in the room while we stitch the cuts but we do believe that your friend will be okay." He says while a paramedic has to hold me up. It felt like I could hear him but the words wernt English and sounded alien towards me. I nodded my head though I couldn't even understand what he said. Paramedic propped me up on a chair and entered the room Stan was in. I managed to look up and watched as different doctors and patients walked past me. A couple people asked if I was okay but I always answers the same thing.  "My boyfriend is dying.... No Im not okay." Would be my same answer and they would just nod and walk away. I just wanted to hear Stan talk to me, hold me, talk to me. Do everything I had been taking advantage of. Every moment he was with me that I wasn't thankful for him. Every time I was mean to him even if it was a joke. Every single second I didn't make the most out of. And now I would never get to do that again... I wouldn't ever get to see my boyfriend who had been my best friend since I was four. I wouldn't ever be able to laugh with him again. I wouldn't be able to hug him again. I couldn't ever even see his stormy see blue eyes looking in mine again. I wouldn't ever be the same again. He had always been with me. He had always been there for me and I had always been there for him. We had been Stan and Kyle never one without the other. We had never been seen apart uncles forced even before we were dating. And now we had been taken away from each other.  Why did this have to happen. Neither of us deserved this. I hadn't done anything wrong.  Neither had he... why the hell did I let this happen to him. He was the most amazing person in my life and now I wouldn't ever see him again. I just wanted to see him in that moment nothing more. I began to cry harder as my head filled with thought of the worst. There was still a tiny fraction of me that so desperately wanted to believe he would be okay. Pulling my knees up to my chest i rested my head in my arms. The feeling on a pit grew in my stomach as time ticked by. I had no idea how long I had been waiting for someone. Anyone. To tell me Stan was okay and I could go and see him. But I had a feeling that wouldn't happen. It was at that moment that I became a wear of a beeping noise. It was steady and smooth and almost rhythmic. I could feel my own heart that was pounding against my chest ,trying so desperately to escape and find its other half, start to match the pace of the beeping. Until the feeling of my heart beating was completely steady and gone. I had no idea what the beeping was but I listened to it for so long that I started to hear longs in it. I hummed the sound of mine and stans favourite song my voice was still shaky as tears streamed down my face, hot and salty. It sounded strange but the beeping and my humming began to comfort me and calm me down. Eventually i heard a door open,  every time I had heard that sound I had looks towards the room my unconscious boyfriend lied in. I wasn't expecting to see anything but I felt my head stop when the doctor walked out his room. "Are you Kyle?" He says finally and I look up my tear stained face filling with both hope and fear as I stand up and feel my legs weaken under me and my head blurs. But I don't care. "Is he okay!" I shout with a panicked expression he the doctor looks at me. He waits as I stand waiting for his answer getting more and more impatient the longer he waits. After minutes his lips part and he speaks.
____________________________________hehhehehehegheheg do you guys think he's alive or not ahhahaha anyways I'm so sorry for not posting, I've not had any motivation. But anyways
Have a wonderful day/night/evening

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