~Stan pov~

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(This part is on the same day as the last official part btw)
I woke up feeling someone laying on me. The events of the earlier played on repeat through my brain. I leaned my head closer to Kyle's and resting my head in his fluffy ginger hair. I begin to play with his fiery red curls. Kyle shuffled slightly in his sleep. I grin at him while he's sleeping. 'Stann.... Stop it...!' Kyle whines  grabbing my hand and pulling it out his hair. I chuckle slightly at him and re-wrap my arms around his waist. He stays silent and I'm fairly sure he fell back asleep until he randomly sits up and turns back to look at me. 'Stan! I swear to god stop it!' He glared at me angrily and I look at him confused. 'I stoped playing with You're hair though?' I answer confused and his anger fades slightly. 'That's not what I mean!' He says still annoyed. 'Then what did you mean?' I say grabbing his hand and looking at him. A slight blush crosses his face. 'You were like tugging at my shirt or something I don't know!' Kyle answers and I look at him confused, I re-place my hands on his waist. 'Kyle I was holding you like this..' I say 'was that it?' As I finish my sentence the colour fades from his face leaving him even more pale than usual. I sigh pulling him closer so he's sat on my knees. 'Kyle calm down I'm sure I just pulled it by accident okay.' I say once again trying to calm him down. 'Why do weird things keep happening!' Kyle says with a cross between anger and fear in his voice. I hold him tighter and he leans his head on my shoulder. I smile at him. 'How about we invite some of the others over?' I say as he turns back to look at me. He smiles happily and kisses my forehead his cheeks glow pale red. I smile at him burying my head into his hair. 'okay should we invite them to sleep or not?' Kyle asks standing up and grabbing some clothes from his closet. 'You need to borrow some of mine?' He asked turning to face me. Usually I would be smiling like a fool at him right now but I had to force a small smile. He looked like shit if I was being honest. His eyes were dull and he still had the faint look that showed he had been crying. I assumed that he had been crying more while I was asleep. He had slightly purple marks under his eyes and he hadn't even bothered trying to hide it. I could tell he was upset and stressed with the whole cartman situation. 'Nope I'm fine ky, I've brought some with me.' I reply softly and grab the clothes out my bag getting up and walking out his room and into the bathroom. I quickly change and walk back into Kyle's room. He's changed and has trashed his whole room. 'Kyle, what are you doing hon?' I say walking back over to him and placing a hand on his shoulder gently, this still caused him to flinch. 'I can't find my phone.' He said and looked like he was about to cry. I sigh with a worried look in my eyes. I walk over to his bedside table that had stood thrown and scattered across it. I pick up his phone and hand it to him. Though there was things thrown across it was still obviously there. 'How about we clean your room up a bit and I'll text the others to come over all right.' I say softly as he looks down at his hands in defeat. 'Okay..' he says and begins to clean. 'If you don't want them to come over I won't text them.' I say sitting down on his bed he had recently made. ' no I do. It's just... I'm a bit tired but I do what them to come..' he paused and I could practically tell what he was gonna say next. 'You won't invite cartman right though?' He says picking up one of the many items on the floor and looking  at it confused. 'Of course not- you know what babe, how about you pick who you want to come okay?' I say smiling at him. He looks up at me with an exited smile as he walks over and looks over my shoulder. 'Make a group chat please,' he asks politely. 'Of course.' I reply kissing him on the cheek. He points out everyone he wants to come over and I make a group chat with us all in.
Me: heyy
ButtersSimp:heyyyya what going on y'all's
Craig: Kenny you're making me exhausted just reading that.
Me: do you guys wanna come sleep over at Kyle's?
Butters: I can ask my parents if I can I'm sure they will actually say yes but I better ask.
ButtersSimp: awwwwww guys I would love to go but if butters isn't goin then I ain't goin
Craig: me n tweek can come when should we go?
Me: uhm you can set off now why isn't he answering tho?
Craig: phones dead we were having a sleepover anyways
Butters: I can go
ButtersSimp: me too then.
Me: okay see you guys here whenever
I smile at my phone and look up at him as his room is now almost clean. 'They're all on there way babe.' I say gently as he sits beside me. 'Oh! Should I go get some food and stuff for movies and-' I cut him off by kissing his cheek gently. He chuckles and blushes gently. 'Kyle it's a sleepover you're thinking too much into this.' I say gently. He smiles and we sit watching you tube on my phone while we wait for them to get here. After a while we hear people running up the stairs loudly which ultimately makes Kyle jump. Kenny bursts into the room looking very exited with his orange parka hoodie tied around his waist with a slightly confused butters being dragged behind him. Kyle smiles brightly and stands up excitedly walking over to them. He immediately grabs there bags and puts them in a plastic box that he always insisted in putting peoples bags in. Kenny pulls up Kyle's desk chair and sits on it pulling butters onto his lap. I pull Kyle closer to me and he smiles gently holding my hand as Kenny begins to go on about random conversations topics. It was about an hour later when tweek and Craig arrived. The two sat there stuff down by everyone else's and they sit beside me and Kyle as I also pull Kyle onto my lap as well as they sit down. We sit and talk for hours until eventually we all get bored and decide to go watch a movie. We all go down stairs and me and Kyle begin making popcorn and other snacks and drinks while the others talk in the living room trying to decide on a movie though I can mostly just hear Kenny and Craig arguing about weather or not we watch a horror movie. I chuckled slightly at them and so did Kyle. Kyle moved closer to me and held my hand gently I turned to face him and he looked nervous. 'You don't wanna watch any horror do you?' I ask placing a hand on his waist and pulling his closer. 'Not really not after all this cartman stuff.' He says sadly looking away. I release my hands from his waist and turn away. 'You keep getting the snacks ready hon I'll go talk to them.' I say softly kissing his cheek and walking into the living room leaving Kyle blushing and smiling behind me. As I enter the room I'm met with Craig trying to put Friday the 13th on and Kenny attempting to grab the tv remote out his hand while butters and tweek sit watching and laughing at their boyfriends. 'What the hell is going on here?' I ask laughing slightly as the two look over at me and practically throw the remote on the floor. 'He wants to watch a horror movie when butters will be scared of it!' Kenny says annoyed as butters looks away and blushes. 'One that's the whole point of a fucking horror movie you dumb slut.' Craig says with his usual monotone voice and a bored expression as we all proceed to fall over laughing. I sit up eventually and stand up. 'Hey uhm guys do you mind not putting on horror movies I mean Kenny you already know but cartmans been a complete asshole and worse than normal to be honest, and he had a really bad nightmare of cartman like.. murder I guess me or something and I feel like that would just make his anxiety so much worse, so do y'all mind not  putting on a horror movie.' I explain and Craig immediately clicks off the horror section and on to the search menu. 'What should we watch then?' He says turning back to me. 'Uhm how about' I begin but get cut off by Kenny 'can we watch piranha!' He cuts in excitedly with a small smirk on his face. Kyle walks in and reply's 'don't fall for it he only want to watch it because there's lesbian porn.' Making Kenny blush and butters look annoyed while me tweek and Craig starts laughing. Kyle places the drinks and snacks on the table and he grabs my hand pulling me over to the sofa as I sit down and pull him back onto my lap. Kenny was still blushing slightly as he sat down. 'Well what else were you expecting for a teen boy and don't say we haven't don't that because we're gay you probably watch gay porn.' Kenny says rolling his eyes. 'Can we stop talking about that please!' Tweek says annoyed as Craig and Kyle nod in response. We finally decide on watching The Meg. About half way through the movie Kenny and butters fall asleep laying on the sofa. Kyle jumps off my lap and lays the two down on the mattress he had prepared for us to sleep on. I smile and blush at him and he turns back and sits back on my lap. I place my hands in his soft ginger hair as he lays back and begins to fall asleep. I continue to sit there watching the movie and eventually tweek and Craig sit down and fall sleep and now it's just me awake. I sit there still watching the movie holding Kyle by the waist and smiling softly. Eventually the movie ends and I lay down on the couch and lay Kyle in the bed so he's more comfortable. I continue to put more movies on and watch them until at least 3 in the morning. I still don't feel tired but I know Kyle will be angry at me for staying up the late so I don't want to make him more worried. I sit up gently and Stand up. I feel someone shuffle and I freeze thinking it's Kyle. 'Hello?' A shaky voice reply's. 'Oh hey tweek.' I say nervously. 'Oh it's just you. Why are you a way this late.' He questions managing to escape from Craig's hold. 'I can't sleep and I don't want Kyle being stressed so I was looking for something that could help me sleep. ' I reply awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck. He nods in response. 'Do you want some of my sleeping pills?' He says walking towards the drinks Kyle had organised into some sort of pattern  before he fell asleep. He picks up a small pill container and hands it to me. 'There not prescription so you should be fine taking them and I don't min.' He say offering the pills out to me. I smile in response and take a pill out the container. 'Thanks,' I say putting the pill in my mouth and swallowing with a glass of water. I walk back into the living room alongside tweek and the two of us settle back down next to our boyfriends and before I even know what's happening I was fast asleep.

____________________________________heyyyyy hope you're enjoying this story, this is the longest part I've wrote yet yayyyy also anyone who also loves The Meg ur my favs love you all thank you so much for reading and have a great new year!
Have a wonderful day/night/afternoon

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