~Kyles pov~

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I woke up feeling strong warm arms wrapped around me. I realised mr and Stan were curled up asleep on a mattress on the floor. I grabbed my phone upon realising that no one else was asleep. It was 10:47 and I smiled to myself. I gently rubbed Stan's arm trying to wake him up. 'Babe wake up,' I say gently smiling at him but when he doesn't get up I feel myself start to become worried. "Stan?" I say sitting up slightly. I turn around and shake him. "Stan!" When he still doesn't wake up I feel myself start crying and I stand up and run into the kitchen where the others were talking and eating breakfast. "STANS DEAD!" I scream as the others look to me in shock. "Stan's what..?!" Butters and tweek say looking frightened. "Ky, I'm sure he's not dead. He's just sleeping." Kenny said laughing slightly. We all walked into the living room. Tweek suddenly grasped. "Honey he's not dead-" Craig began but was interrupted by slight laughing.
"I gave him my sleeping pills last night guess they were a little too strong."
"Are we all saying what now? Okay uhm WHAT!"
"Since when did he need sleeping pills!"
"Since when did you have sleeping pills."
"Why are we talking about sleeping pills?"
"No idea but no one's dead so let's just go butters."
Kenny and butters walked out while I walked back towards Stan and looked down. "Should we leave." Craig asked as I look down at him. "Yeah probably.." tweek answers and the two walk out.
(I'm so sorry I hate it when pics switch but I just thought this bit would be funny) ~craig pov~
"Honey why are you taking sleeping pills-" I ask putting a hand on his shoulder before being cut of by screaming. "AHHHHH!!! KYLE WHAT THE HELL!!!!"  Stan yelled from downstairs and I could hear laughing. "NEXT TIME IF YOURE GONNA TAKE SLEEPING PILLS ASSHOLE!!!" Kyle shouted back though we could tell it was fake anger. He storms up the stairs and throws open the door. "Uh- are you two having an emotional moment in My bedroom right now! Ugh just no making out in here that's my job- wait no never mind forget a I say anything just uhhh DONT MAKE A MESS IN MY ROOM!" He argues blushing which makes me and tweek laugh.  He storms back down the stairs.
(Back to Kyle's pov now) ~Kyle's pov~
I ran down the stairs back to my boyfriend and Kenny and butters. Butters was helping Stan up who was still clutching his stomach in pain. "Don't take sleeping pills without telling me again!" I say bitterly hitting Kenny's hand away and hugging Stan. He looks at me annoyed and wraps his arm around me. "Fuck you!" He starts annoyed. As I smirk at him. "Anytime!" I say giggling making him and Kenny blush red. Butters just looks very confused as he looks at Kenny. "What does that mean-" he starts as Kenny puts his hand over butters mouth shutting him up. "What it means doesn't matter right now buttercup." Kenny's says leading him upstairs as they start talking about random things. "You're not funny carrot," he says giggling at me as I grow angry. "I'm not a a fucking carrot!" I say glaring at him rolling my eyes as he wraps his arm around me. "I love you but don't kick me to wake me up again!" He says laughing and I blush at the first thing he says. "S-sorry... I was just angry you didn't tell me.." I say looking up at him. He smiles sarcastically "what was I meant to do, wake you up to tell you I was gonna take tweeks sleeping pills and then let you go back to sleep? You already don't sleep enough, I was trying to help you babe." He says brushing a strand of my ginger hair out my eyes smiling softly at me. "I know I know that's not what I mean what I mean was if you're gonna take sleeping pills tell me before so I don't wake up and think you're dead." He says looking away, seemingly to know exactly what I'm about to say. "Kyle... you would never normally think that so why the hell do you all of a sudden..? Is it because of the nightmare?" Stan says gently, placing his hand on Kyle's shoulder. "I- yes.. yes it was.." I look away from him tears welling in my eyes as he pulls me into his embrace. I hug him back tightly as he gently strokes my hair. "It's okay... don't stress you're self out, no one's dead okay, calm you're self down." He says holding my hand and guiding me to sit on the sofa next to him. I sit down and lean my head on his shoulder. "And he offered to let me take one I'm not on the sleeping pills I knew I'd worry you if I stayed up any later so I took them to make sure you wernt worry's about me." He said as we sit on the sofa. "Can we watch another movie?" I suggest looking at him with what I can only assume to be a cheeky grin. He smiles at me. "Go get the others please?" Stan asks going to turn on the tv I nod in response and walk to the bottom of the stairs. "GUYS STOP HAVING YOURE JOINT MAKE OUT SESION IN MY ROOM AND GET YOURE GAY ASSES DOWN HERE!!" I yell and I can hear Stan laughing from the other room. His laughter makes me smile. The other four then emerge from my room and begin walking down the stairs all slightly red in the face. I grin at them and turn to walk back into our living room smiling happily at myself as I sat back down next to Stan. Kenny sat beside me pulling butters up to sit on his lap so there way more space and Craig does the same with tweek and sits next to Stan. He puts in some random movie and we all sit in silence watching, the occasional scream from me tweek and butters mainly at the jump scares making Stan Kenny and Craig laugh. Stan smiles also pulling me up to sit on his lap, I return his gently smiles and rest my head on his chest as he wraps his arms around me. After the movies over the six of us sit there chatting happily. "Okay okay, I'm sorry kyke but can we all agree that he's a carrot." Stan laughs laughing as I pull an extremely over exaggerated offended face which only made him laugh more. "Stan I swear to god! I'm not a carrot! You know what you're a fucking marshmallow!" I argue ruffling with Stan's soft black hair. God I wish I could stay like this. Everyday just with Stan and my friends... just like this happily without any dread.

____________________________________HEYYYYYY IM SORRY I HAVNT UPDATED IN A BIT- yeah smth happened so I couldn't and I was really in motivated but for anyone wondering. Kyle kicked Stan in the stomach full force to wake him up 😊 I also might post an another update later cuz I love waking up to y'all's comments :)
Have a wonderful day/night/evening

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