~Kyle pov~

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The weekend had passed and I was once again alone in my room. I hated the feeling of being on my own after the nightmare and cartman experience, when I couldn't see that Stan was safe and okay I felt afraid of everything. When I would usually go back to sleep and not want to go to school I sat up knowing I'd be able to see Stan, but there was something else inside me. Dread. I would also have to see cartman again, which I really didn't want to do, but I'd have to. I rolled my eyes at the thought of cartman and got ready for school. Once I'd finished getting ready I slowly walked downstairs and grabbed myself something to eat before rushing out my house and locking the door behind me. I continued on my way to stans house so I wouldn't be on my own when I got there. As I approached his house the door opened starling me slightly. "oh hello dear, are you here for Stan?" His mother said politely as I smiled back at her nodding my head, she stepped aside to let me in and wait. "Thanks," I say quietly as she closes the door behind her. I stand in the hallway and wait for Stan to come down. After what felt like hours Stan eventually comes down and when he sees me he runs over excitedly. I smile at him and he gets his backpack and we walk out his house smiling and talking happily holding hands. We eventually reach the bus stop and can hear Kenny and butters talking with each other. As we get closer I can see them more clearly, butters has Kenny's coat on and something covering his neck, when I see this I make a face of over exaggerated sadness and anger as I speed up my walk confusing Stan slightly. When I reach the two I say annoyed "Kenny! How dare you." He laughed in response "what! It was gonna happen eventually," he states making me look slightly disgusted. "No details Ken" I say laughing as we both leave butters and Stan in complete confusion until cartman arrives. As soon as we see him in instinctively shuffle my position so I'm behind Stan. Kenny pushes butters away from him and Stan makes sure I'm as far from him as possible. He doesn't say anything he just stands there, I'm fairly sure he's looking at me.. when he eventually specks my blood runs cold. "I can't believe you're hiding when you cheated on your boyfriend Kyle." He says laughing, Stan fills with anger and he launches himself at cartman pushing him to the floor as he screams. I freeze and Kenny and butters rush over and away from Stan ,who was brutally beating cartman. When the bus arrives Stan gets up off of cartman and crabs my hand tightly, he leans me onto the bus and to our usual seats. Kenny and butters follow behind us and sit in theirs. Once we sit down I look over at Stan. He still looks angry and I decide to pull him down so his head is laying in my chest. I gently stroke my hands through his soft black hair. I feel him start to calm down but I keep stroking his hair. After a few minutes I start to feed him getting tired. "Stan..? You can't sleep now we're almost there but you can come to my house after school and we can sleep there okay..?" I say and he sits up smiling, he looks tired but now where near as angry or upset. I smile at him as the bus stops and everyone stands up. We all walk out the bus and don't see cartman anywhere. I grab stans hand and we walk hand in hand to our first class. When the teacher comes in and begins taking attendance Kenny shouts he's skipping class when they say cartman name which makes us all laugh. All of our classes go by relatively quickly and at the end of the day me and Stan get back on the bus and sit down. I lay my head on stans shoulder and he smiles and wraps his arm around me. "Can I sleep at you'res?" He asks and I look up at him smiling. "Yeah, course you can," I answer smiling gently and holding his hands. We sit and talk about random things as we approach my house. Once the buss stops I groan out loud, too comfortable to get up and Stan laughs slightly at me. "Come on Kyle, we can sleep and watch movies at your house." He says chuckling as I sit up with an exaggerated anger expression. He laughs again and grabs my hand leading me up off the bus. When we eventually reach my house we set out stuff down at the door and run upstairs to my room. Stan sits down on the bed while I grab the TV remote and hand it to him. "You pick the movie I'll go grab snacks" I say to him and he nods and turns on my tv. I slowly walk downstairs and into the kitchen. I stand there for a minute deciding what snacks to grab. After a few minutes I start making popcorn and I grab some other things and carry them all upstairs to my room where Stan has a movie paused. I place the snacks down and sit next to him. We sit and watch the movie until I'm almost falling asleep. We then hear the door knock and we both feel chills.

Hiiiii I've been thinking about an ending for this story I know it's not as long as the other but oh well and I have two possible endings in mind I'm not sure which one to do. So I'm gonna let my bestie choose for me and I'll leave the endings for a surprise. Anyways I already had an idea for another story, it would be creel tho, so yeah
Have a amazing day/night/afternoon

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