~Kyle Pov~

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It was the class before lunch and everyone was yelling and the teacher was shouting. I however just sat there, my curly ginger hair perfectly hiding my ear buds that blasted music to distract me from everything while hurried to complete all the work. I felt eyes on me but as I turned to find out who was staring at me I was met with Stan sat there talking to Kenny and butters. I felt something inside me crack, the anger and sadness swirling inside me. I looked straight down at the desk as I felt hands start to shake as my eyes filled to the brim with tears. 'Kyle? Are you okay?' I heard someone say but my ears were ringing and my head was pounding. I stood up the chair screeching against the floor as I ran out the classroom and towards the bathroom. As u ran I could hear worried shouting behind me. As soon as I entered the bathrooms I collapsed onto the floor crying. I sat there for what seemed like an hour before I heard someone knocking on the door. I didn't answer I just sat there. I couldn't talk or bring myself to move. 'Kyle can you open the door?' I heard Kenny say. I stood up grabbing at the sinks for support catching a glimpse of my reflection. My green hat lay on the floor and my messy ginger hair fell in front of my red puffy eyes. Freckles dusted across my tear stained face. The sight of myself just made me begin to cry harder. I clicked open the door and stared into the concerned eyes of Kenny and butters. I could see Carman, Tolkien, Clyde, Craig and tweek. But no sign of Stan. Kenny stepped inside closing and locking the bathroom door behind us signing to the others to say there. I stared into Kenny's eyes stepping as far back as I could. 'Kyle what's wrong.' Kenny asked extending his arm for me to grab, like what Stan always used to do. I slapped his hand away. I felt the sadness swell and shift into something else. Anger. I glared at Kenny. Though it wasn't his fault, there's only one person I wanted to see more than anyone else. And that was the same person that had upset me so badly. I felt empty without Stan stood there next to me. I felt like I didn't have anything left, knowing that he wasn't there even making an effort to come see me. 'Why doesn't Stan like me anymore..' I managed to say as the anger quickly faded back into sadness as I collapsed back into the floor Kenny crouching beside me having waited patiently for my answer. 'Hey it's not- he doesn't not like you anymore Kyle well he does but..' Kenny stammered out trying to find the correct way of phrasing it. But the moment he spoke I felt my heart break. The pieces of my shattered heart scattered over the floor like deadly glass every second that passed by felt like a knife being stabbed further into my chest and being twisted harshly. 'It's not what you think it is Kyle..' Kenny says again finally specking. I looked up at him and I felt Kenny grab my hand and squeezing it. 'But... why... Kenny.. I want... it.. to.. I.. don't know...' I stuttered though I didn't know what I wanted, I just knew I needed Stan back next to me. Kenny bored sensing what I was thinking as he stood up. The bell rang out through the school signalling that lunch had started. Kenny held his hand out to me as usual grabbed it I wiped my teary eyes on my sleeve. Me and Kenny exited the bathroom Kenny still holding onto my hand like I was a little kid he was afraid would run away never to be seen again. We walked past cartman and I realised Stan was not stood there. Cartman was talking to him but I could tell he wasn't listening, he was staring at me and I could tell through his body language and eyes that he was worried. I felt a feeling I hadn't felt before in my stomach as I met his eyes. His deep stormy eyes. Though there was something else behind his eyes as he saw me holding Kenny's hand. He looked worried concerned with a hint of jealousy. No one else noticed though I wasn't surprised. I knew Stan better than anyone else. As we walked past the two he whispered something I couldn't quite hear but it sounded like he said 'I'm so sorry Kyle..' his eyes consumed the concern with pure sadness and pain as I looked back at him. I tried my best to smile at him but I couldn't. I couldn't bring myself to smile. But a small smile crept onto his face as I whispered. 'It's okay.....' I'm return to his apology. Though I felt eyes on the back of my head I turned to see cartman staring at me and Kenny who butters had joined. His eyes darted from my and towards Kenny as a Death stare plastered on his face as he glared Kenny down. I knew something was wrong. Something was going on with cartman and Stan. And I had to know what. It was then that a thought crossed my mind. What did Kenny mean by 'he does but not the way you're thinking Kyle.' After I said he didn't like me anymore. What did he mean like that. I looked back  at the floor and decided not to ask. Kenny pulled me into the lunch room and I sat beside him. Craig, tweek, Clyde and Tolkien joined us. 'Where's cartman?' Butters asked politely though I knew he was asking because he was afraid of cartman. Most people were. He had become worse since we were kids. Butters had it worse than most people as cartman had made him his personal target after I broke down in the middle of the hallway due to his constant joking and being horrible and telling me to kill myself. I rolled my eyes at his name. Watching carefully as Kenny groaned and pulled his arm around butters waist pulling his closer. 'Don't worry about him buttercup I won't let him hurt you again.' Kenny said as the two smiled at each other. Clyde smiled and I responded to butters original question he answers 'on him and Stan went in the bathroom, pretty sure there having a scrap.' He picked up the taco and took a bite obliviously as I squirmed uncomfortably in my seat. Kenny placed his head in his hands as Tolkien slapped Clyde round the head. I stood up taking a deep breath. Our friend group hushed to silence as they all looked at me worriedly ,even Craig looked a little concerned, but I didn't answer to Tweek asking me where I was going. I rushed to the bathroom and I could already hear shouting. I pressed my ear against the door and felt my body stop. Oh my god.. this can't be real.

____________________________________wooooo cliffhanger hahahahhagagahahahHH am I gonna make another update like now. Yes. Also incase you haven't realised this story will mainly be in Kyle's POV but yeah. Hope everyone who celebrates had a great Christmas
Have a great day/night/evening.

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