Protector (Tom Riddle)

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6 year old Y/N was stood outside the orphanage in the pouring rain, a note in her hand. Veronica, one of the carers of the orphanage opens the door to see her. A shocked expression on her face. I mean can't you imagine it, a little girl standing at the door with nothing but a note and a teddy bear. Veronica immediately took the note and read it.

Dear Orphanage
This is Y/N Williams, she is 6 years old. I have recently discovered that my daughter has some unusual powers. She posseses something that I dont want in my house. I do love her but I can't have her. Please look after her.

Veronica was shocked, she lead Y/N inside. She knew just who to take her to. A boy with the same discrption as her. Tom Riddle. She knocked in the door and a faint "come in" was heard.

"Tom this is Y/N she is just like you with her.... abilities, she is your responsibility look after her. And don't be mean she's only 6" and with that Veronica left her there.

The 10 year old boy was very confused. He motioned for the girl to come over to him. She came and sat on the bed. Silence filled the room while Tom thought. He couldn't help but think that he needed to protect the girl. Like that was his life mission. He lied down in the bed, before grabbing the young girls hand. He dragged her to lie next to him. He placed his arm around her and she rested her head on his chets. And that was it. The start of something knew. From that day forward Tom became very protective of Y/N. He never let anything happen to her, and if something did. Which was very rare. He would kill the person who did. He became like an older brother. He found himself loving the girl. Not romantically but like an older brotherly sort of way. He loved her and she loved him.

When Tom went off to Hogwarts, he wrote to Y/N everyday. She always told his if someone was mean to her or hurt her and if they did when he came back to the orphanage at the end of the year he would kill them.

When Y/N came to Hogwarts, Tom was in his fifth year. He still didn't stop protecting her, he was always there, no-one dared to even look at the girl badly.

When both Tom and Y/N were out of school. They started the death eaters. Obviously Tom was the leader but Y/N was by him the whole time. And he still never stopped protecting her. When he changed into Voldemort he still never stopped protecting her.

They lived together. They grew up together. The made a team together. They fought together. They died together. And not once did Y/N get hurt. The only reason she died is because she insisted that if Tom died she died to. But Tom was her protector right till the end.

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