You go into labour

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You were lying in bed cuddling with Tom. You shouldn't be going into labour for another 2 weeks. You suddenly felt like you needed the toilet so you got up. As you were on the way to the toilet. You felt your water brake.
"Yeah-" he jumped up when he saw you. He grabbed you and apperated to the Hospital. When you were on the hospital bed. Tom was holding your hand.
"Breathe baby. Breathe"
"I...I cant"
"Yes you can. You are strong come on" you pushed and your baby girl was born. Tom cut the umbilical cord and then the baby was passed to you. Tom sat next to you.
"What are you gonna call her" the nurse asked.
You two looked at eachother.
"Aurora" Tom said smiling at you.


You were getting ready for bed in the bathroom. You were about to wash your face when you felt water run down your leg. You looked and saw that your water had broke.
"MATTEO" you yelled. He ran in.
"Yeah what's th ----- oh my God" he ran up to you and picked you up bridal style before apperating away. When you got to the hospital he yelled.
"HELP MY GIRLFRIENDS IN LABOUR" a nurse got you and you ran to the room.
"Push baby push" he said holding your hand. "Squeeze as much as you want" you pushed and the baby popped out. Once everything was done you was sat in the bed with Matteo next to you holding the baby.
"What are we gonna name her?" Youa asked.
" Emma" he said worried.
"Emma it is" he kissed your forehead and Emma's.


You were setting the table when you felt water flow out of you. Draco looked over when he heard the splash. His eyes widened when he saw.
"Oh my god. This is happening. I'm gonna be a dad. Of God Oh God oh God-"
"Yes now me" you yelled.
"Right" he picked you up and apperated to the hospital. He held your hand and kissed your forehead as you pushed. You squeezed his hand so hard it nearly fell off. Soon your beautiful baby boy was born. He held the baby as you slept.
"Welcome to the world Scorpius" he kissed his forehead and then put him down in his cot. Before climbing into bed with you kissing your cheek and cuddling you.


It was your due date so Blaise was close to you all day. When you were walking to the bathroom you felt your water brake. Blaise was picking you up right away. Whispering sweet nothings into your ear as you went to the Hospital. When you arrived he placed you down and held both your hands as you pushed.
"Come on baby you can do this" you pushed harder and finally your baby boy was born. He kissed your forehead straight after and then the baby was passed to you. He climbed in next to you.
"What's his name gonna be?" He asked.
"I still like Orion"
"Me too" he kissed you.


Theo was currently out when your water broke. Luckily your sister was over so she took you to the hospital. When you were in the delivery room waiting for Theo. He ran in.
"I'm so sorry I was late"
"Its ok just-" you stuck out your hand and he took it.
"I cant believe this is happening. Your doing so well baby" he kept whispering sweet things to you as your pushed. When you were done he pepper kissed your face an then climbed into he bed next to you with your baby boy.
"We still going with Leo. Or do you want something else" he asked.
"I like Leo" he smiled and kissed you again.


Enzo was hanging on to you all day incase anything happened. When you were walking to the couch you felt the water drip down your leg.
"Enzy my water broke" you yelled he ran up to you straight away and picked you up. As soon as you got to the hospital, he had your hand in his. He was kissing the back if it saying things like.
"Its ok baby. You can do this. I'm here for you. Breathe baby breathe. I love you so much" when the baby was finally out of you. He pressed his lips into yours.
"Good job baby you did so well" when the doctor passed you the baby he was next to you holding you.
"Soo we sticking with Lyra" you asked
"Yeah if you want"
"I love it"

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