Tom was in his dorm doing stuff for his death eaters. You had just gotten back from being out with your friends. Tom had given you his credit card to buy stuff. You walk into his dorm and hug him. "Hi darling" he said, not looking at you. "Hi" after a while of hugging him he turned around and hugged you back. That's when he noticed the tattoo of his name on your neck. He tried to hide his smirk. "When did you get this?" He said brushing it with his fingers. "I got it you like it" he didnt say anything for a while. "Now everyone will know you belong to me"
~kisses your neck more often especially at that spot. ~hes always staring at it, although he tries to hide it. ~wheneveranotherguyflirts with you he will turn you so your necks facing him.
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You had been shopping with your friends that day and cant waited to show Matteo what you got. You ran to his dorm excited. As soon as your burst the door open he looks at you. "Hi love" you dont say anything you just take off your pants. "Whow now?" he jokes. You moved and showed him your inner thigh. He smirked and started to trace it with his finger. "Good girl" he said and kissed it.
~whenever be is eating you out he would randomly stop and kiss it. ~trace it with his finger while you cuddle. ~probably got one of your name saying they are 'matching tattoos'
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Draco was in the library with Blaise and you were out with your friends. When you went to pay for the tattoo the lady said it had already been payed for. You walked to the door and saw Draco. He grabbed your hand and and dragged you to his dorm without saying a word. "Show me" he demanded. You pulled your trousers down and showed him your ass. It was silent for a while and after a bit you felt a slap on your ass. "Mine" He demanded and turned to around kissing you deeply.