Devils Make Acquaintances

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"I noticed you barely got to enjoy your beverage before that man came up to you." Alastor said, not too far behind you as you three made your way through the crowd. "What was that you were drinking?"

You raised a brow in quiet bemusement as you watched some of the other employees already tending to the damage you caused. Neutrality written all over their faces, as if they had done this a hundred times; one gentleman mopping up blood and vodka while two others hauled the demon out of the building.

"Oh, thanks but don't worry about it. I'm all set."

"It's no trouble," he said with a shrug.

"I don't accept drinks unless I made them or watched them be made."

"You're welcome to stay here with me and watch them pour it." He offered. Stopping right before passing by the bar. "But if you truly don't want another one, we can leave it be and go right into our office. I won't twist your arm."

Well, I really did wanna finish that cosmo. You thought to yourself, weighing the options. And I can't argue with watching it being made.

"You talked me into it." You sighed. Throwing the stag a polite smile and standing over with him.

His smile curled tighter.

"Mimzy," he called out across the sea of people in the venue. The blonde whipping her head around to acknowledge her name being called.

"We'll meet you there!" He said pleasantly. "Just get the paperwork ready."

She nodded in understanding and scurried off to wherever she was headed.

"I don't blame you for not wanting to accept a drink from a stranger." Alastor said, smiling at you as he stepped aside so you may wait at the counter with him.

You nodded. "Never know what somebody might do to it."

"If you ever feel on edge -or you just want to make sure," he began to mention. Reaching over the counter and picking up a strip of thin paper that was in a little box. Waving it so you could see it before setting it back down. "We have testing strips for customers. In case you're worried someone may have slipped you a Mickey, simply ask for one and they'll give it to you. What was your poison of choice, my dear?"

"Duly noted," you nodded. "And a cosmo. Thank you."

"Cosmopolitan please," he grinned politely at the bartender. "And why not, throw in an old fashioned as well."

The hyena-eared bartender gave her boss a nod and went right on to fix up those beverages. You keeping a close eye on her when you saw her pick up the familiar shaped glass yours would be in.

"I usually don't opt for anything fruity or overly sweet." He explained without prompt, leaning over so you could hear his quieted tone over the noise of the ambiance. "But this calls for a celebratory drink. Congratulations on getting the job! I have a feeling you'll fit right in with us."

You smiled, feeling your lungs release a small laugh as you nodded.

"Thank you."

"So Mimzy mentioned you're new to Hell?" He asked, turning his head to face you. You were about to answer when a familiar, permed hair-do became visible just behind him.

"Hi Alastor~!"

Her voice was about as grating as a fork against glass. Especially so, seeing as it was that overly obnoxious flirty tone.

You stifled a smirk when he rolled his eyes before turning his head -barely- to see her in his peripheral vision. Looking straight ahead and waiting for your drink to arrive.

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