Consultations & Heart Palpatations

478 22 16


"Now I lay me down to sleep...
...I pray the lord my soul to keep..."

"...Ghhhnnn... clghhh-..."

A cheshire smile carved its way onto your features while you drove the knife in a little deeper.

Boyd, Alexander J: Former clergyman- a retired member of a church. Age 54, never married, no children (thank fuck), lived alone in a raised ranch somewhere on the outskirts of a small town. Alexander had been a little too friendly with one of the altar kids twenty some odd years ago.

Well... that kid grew into a very angry, very resentful adult. Years later she tried to bring the pervert to justice but unfortunately the statute of limitations where they lived was already far passed the time limit.

Feeling hurt, betrayed, ashamed, vengeful, and at the end of her rope: she turned to the darkside of the internet in search for a favor.

That's where you came in.

It wasn't something you did often, maybe a handful of times in total. Typically you prefer to find these creeps in the wild, yourself. But the pay was decent and you liked to keep your skills sharp.

You asked for his information, she gave you what she knew, and you dug up the rest yourself. Told her to make sure that she was out somewhere the night it all went down. Somewhere public, somewhere with friends or family; somewhere that she would have a plausible alibi if the fuzz came knocking on her door for questioning.

Aside from that, you'd take care of the rest.

So you tracked him down.

Which wasn't too hard. Fortunately the guy lived out in the boonies, so you were able to kill him in his own home without worrying about neighbors or witnesses.

Pretending to be stranded with a flat tire and a phone with no service, you parked your car out of sight and asked him if you could use his phone- and seek dryness from the rain outside.

With little resistance, he welcomed you in his home.

Surprisingly the guy still had a landline telephone. 'I thought most people got rid of those years ago', you thought at the time. You pretended to be on the phone (making sure to not get your fingerprints on anything, a pair of day cloves did the job rather well). Faking a conversation requesting assistance at your current location.

When you 'finished your call', Alexander gently insisted you stay and warm up a little. It looked like you had been out in the rain for a while, so you figured he would likely offer you to. And of course you took full advantage of his kindness.

You conversed for about twenty minutes. Putting on your facade, acting as sweet as apple pie. He asked you about your life, if you lived alone, if you were seeing anyone; and you gave him every lie in the book to make him think you were innocent and naive.

He saw an opportunity in your false naivety and offered you something to drink.

Delighted to see that he brought two glasses- it hatched an idea.

Rather than just surprise attack like you originally planed. you switched the glasses when his back was turned.

And my, what a fun idea that was. Better yet, you saved yourself the use of  a dose of sedatives.

Alexander was losing his fine motor skills and balance in a matter of moments while you sipped leisurely on some ice-cold lemonade. Watching with a wicked grin as he succumbed to his own drug, and fear rose within his eyes.

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