Lullaby for a Sadist

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(⚠️Content Advisory⚠️: Sleep Paralysis, mention of sexual assault; *very* triggering phrases and nuances. PROCEED WITH CAUTION, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.)

(Disclaimer: These are very serious situations that are not to be taken lightly. My heart goes out to anyone who has unfortunately endured SA or any sort of traumatic event. Your emotions are valid, and your trauma is not your fault. You're worth so much more than whats happened to you; you're seen, heard, and you are not alone.)

Oh god, please no...

Urgently, you tried to scream. To yell. To even whimper; yet your tries were proving to be fruitless.

Not again, not again- please...!

Air expelled from your lungs, but, no sound came from your throat. You tried to roll over. To clench your fists, and move your legs. However it was all in vain... The only thing you could do was blink and look around the room. And soon enough, that became the most terrifying part of the whole experience.

In an instant you wished you had just kept your eyes closed. You knew better, too- as this wasn't the first time you experienced such a thing and knew exactly what was happening. Although, it was horrific every time.

There at the foot of your bed stood the hallucination of one certain devil you did not want to see. The cause, the reason behind your trauma-induced insanity. There in a matter of a mere moment, as though you blinked and they were just there in front of you.

Smiling widely at your helpless state before the figure crawled onto the bed. Hovering overtop of you.

You tried so hard to scream. So hard you could feel the pressure in your head from trying to force it. But all that came out was the sound of air escaping through your nose. So when you finally felt the pressure of somebody straddling your stomach, you just shut your eyes, and began to cry.

'...The less you struggle, the easier I'll be on you...' The familiar voice burned against your skin.

Even though you knew nothing was there, the fear you felt was still very much real. And it triggered every sense of fight or flight your body had. But... you couldn't even move.

Your cold, dead, heart felt like it was going to beat right out of your chest. Your hands were clammy, and your breaths were ragged and shakey. Adrenaline coursed through your veins and made your limbs feel like static- and yet, your muscles just wouldn't work.

It was like being trapped in a nightmare.

'Shut up... You know you like it.'

It was almost difficult to breath, as though the apparition itself was actually pressing on your chest and stealing the air from you. Hot tears continued to cascade down your cheeks, and your lower lip quivered as you tried desperately to even let out a sob.

'Tell anyone, and I'll hurt everyone you care about.'

You tried, and you tried like absolute fuck to move or scream. At most, you could still only move your eyes and cry. Air escaped from your lungs but only silently- sound being completely trapped in your throat.

Slowly but surely, you began to gain control over your fingers and toes. Curling each knuckle little by little.

Low whimpers finally spilled from your throat. Whimpers turned into gentle cries, and after what felt like ages, you gained control over your whole body again. Finally shifting fully into a woken state, the apparition disappeared, and you felt like you could actually breathe again.

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