Radio Rendevous

499 18 6

Today's the day~! Cause these blank walls are driving me fucking nuts.

Setting down a couple buckets of paint, you stared at the white walls one more time and took a deep breath in.

One of your records was playing, music floating through your eardrums as it filled the airwaves. Just loud enough to vibe to; but low enough to hear what was going on outside through the open window.

It was early afternoon, you had the evening off, there was a food slow-cooking in the crockpot for later; and you were still riding the natural high of a fresh kill some moments prior. (Some imp who thought they could get away with grabbing your ass on your way home from the store- but today was not the day and you were not the one.)

It was a good day.

With a small, subtle smile, you began to paint. Finally putting some personal touches on these maddeningly bare walls.

Weeks went by. Weeks turned into a month, and one month turned into two.

You were getting more comfortable and acquainted with your new living arrangements, neighborhood, and job.

It was definitely different.

Fortunately you had a skewed concept of friendship decay and object permanence, so the people you got used to seeing on a daily bases you didn't really feel like missing them too much. Or maybe it was your general lack of empathy that made it easier to deal with.

Aside from the inconveniences of basically starting all over again, things were going well. You were enjoying your job and the people you worked with were tolerable.

Mimzy and Alastor had certainly taken quite a liking to you, it seemed.

Mimzy took to you like she had known you her whole damn life. Almost like when a very extroverted person adopts an introvert. (You were friendly enough on the surface, just not exactly social.) Which was fine, she was always kind to you and you got along well. She certainly wasn't above talking to you like you were just gal-pals and you enjoyed having a person to bounce your thoughts off of instead of just keeping quiet.

Routinely she, you, and Alastor would stick around at the bar after long shifts and just engage in banter.

Alastor had taken a certain interest in you as well. Which you acknowledged mentally but never said much about.

It still amazed him somewhat how you never really seemed to 'break' at the fact that your new reality was to spend eternity as a sinner. He admired your rationality -as well as your violent streak. He had no knowledge that you were a serial killer in life but he was certain that you were no stranger to assault.

And he was a man of his word when he said he'd stick up for you if need be.

If anyone lay a hand on you without your permission (which, it usually was- as you never initiated or invited much contact) all you'd have to do is shoot him a look -once vibrant eyes then clouded with inky black- and he'd happily help you out.

And you did the same for him.

He wasn't joking when he said he had quite the fanbase.

For the most part, people were civil enough to keep their passed at a minimum. It was actually kind of funny to see him either turn down advances outright or -if they were subtle enough- they'd go over his head completely; and you'd watch as demons hopefulness dwindled into disappointment and embarrassment.

But when push came to shove and some people didn't want to take no for an answer that's where you cut in. And Alastor would watch with a genuine smile on his face while you either threatened, hurt, or did both to the offender in question.

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