New Wartwood/Friend or Frobo

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Just a summary of moments where Valerie is a part of the episodes because she doesn't really play a big part until the second temple. Enjoy <3

New Wartwood:

The sun rose over Amphibia's horizon, and as it did, a particularly energetic noirette kicked open the door of her fwagon.

"Woo! Look out Amphibia! It's Marcy's first day in Wartwood!" She said excitedly, practically shaking from said emotion. Behind her, trailed a fairly familiar brunette, who looked awake, but not nearly as energetic. She trailed behind Marcy at a slower pace, sliding her goggles onto her head and making her way into town.

A few minutes after she did, she noticed Marcy come flying down on Joe Sparrow. The girl grimaced, while she did love the bird, the idea of a giant bird landing in the middle of town with paranoid frogs may not be the best first impression.

She watched as Marcy excitedly rambled onto some random frogs, ultimately scaring them all away. Marcy then came to sit next to her on the fountain, Anne soon coming over to check on them.

"Hey guys, how's your first day in Wartwood going?" The poofy-haired girl asked, making her way to the two and sitting next to the noirette, Valerie on the other side.

Said brunette just shrugged her shoulders, replying with a simple "Meh." As she hadn't really done anything yet.

Marcy, however, was also quick to reply, but with a lot more enthusiasm. "Oh, great. Did you know this entire town is built on top of a swamp but never sinks? That's because the designers knew exactly how heavy to make everything." She was clearly excited and invested in this town's story and the way it was designed, despite what the people around her thought of it.

Valerie looked to her with wide eyes. The only thought that came to mind was an acknowledgement of the girl's wits and knowledge in general, which she smiled at, before getting up to grab the wood duck she had forgotten to give Marcy the previous day.

She quickly rushed up, but within about twenty seconds of her actually turning around, she heard the familiar angry chants of a mob, and she sighed.

She quickly turned on her heel, but before she could properly address the mob or even notice who was in it, she heard a young frog call out.

"Help! Help! My teddy bear is stuck in the tree!"

The brunette's head immediately spun to look at the young blue frog in front of her, where the teddy was up high a tree that she was sure no frog would be able to reach. Out of instinct, she started moving towards it, calling out a quick line of speech. "I'll get it!" before she grabbed onto the base of the tree, using it to flip her body and land on the lowest branch.

Quickly, she jumped from branch to branch, grabbing the object before climbing back down. In less than thirty seconds, she had managed to climb up, grab the teddy bear, get down safely and hand the object back to it's owner.

"there you go," she said with a smile, before walking off to do what she was planning to originally.

Little did she know, a familiar noirette was watching from the fountain, jealous of how the townspeople seemed to look over in awe at her.



Valerie heard the restless noirette next to her say as she shot up. Marcy had been next to her for the past half an hour, and was pretty much restless the whole time. It was keeping her up, and she was just trying to sleep.

Finally fed up with it, the brunette reached her arm back and wrapped it around the girl's upper body, pulling her down and opening her eyes to look at her.

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