Part 5, Chapter 1

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"A Little Insight On Loyalty"

"Walk with me, Jangjun ya. We have much to discuss..." I followed the Ahjussi out on a walk as Lady Nam carried on with whatever she does. I assume she is used as a propaganda figurehead for S.Y.N.D.I.C.A.T.E Industries. 

I was first to break the silence that overcame us. "들었어요? 제가 헤르메스가 되고 싶지 않다고요? 그럼 왜 아직도 저를 요원으로 두고 있죠?" (You heard ? That I don't wish to be Hermes ? Then why still have me on as an operative ?) Jin-Sang smiled as he patted me on the back. I have to say I am surprised he wasn't fuming. "Dr. Lee had given me the news as well as the others who are fitting into their roles. Jungkook seemed most angry when we spoke. Says you questioned their families..."

I nodded slowly as I thought back to how angry Jungkook had gotten. "That is true. I questioned why they all seem to stay here & why they aren't concerned for their families. I don't understand..." Jin-Sang sighed as we walked into a cafe. Did Syn.D buy this place ? It was practically empty... He sat a tablet & a pair of headphones before me. "그 태블릿에는 원본 케이스 파일 테이프가 있어요, 장준야. 잘 보고 다음 조치에 대해 논의하겠습니다." (On that tablet holds the original case file tapes, Jangjun ya. Watch them & them we'll discuss the next course of action.)

I put the headphones on & clicked the videos in order. They were all labeled with the Olympian names. First up was Hephaestus. The video showed Suga hyung' mother & father. The father looked hopeful & the mother looked distraught. The voice off camera was recognizably Dr. Lee. "Are absolutely sure you want to give up Yoongi into our custody ? He'd no longer be your son & will be prohibited from seeing you..."

Although their expressions said otherwise they both agreed. It switched to Jin' father. "I am sure this is the best option. I love my son, but your program could do wonders. A god ? I'll take that bet."

The responses only got more enthusiastic about the Mythology Program. "Take him. I have no use for Taehyung... He already avoid other children. This program may do wonder for him."

"Jimin ? Why would I be worried about him ? You all seem to know what your doing. I have complete trust in this program..."

Namjoon, Jungkook, & Hoseok hyung' families seemed on board even before knowing they would be forever giving up their children. The money payout seemed to be all they needed to hear in order to agree. 

I sat the headphones down as I looked at Jin-Sang. "그렇게요? 그냥 그렇게 아이들을 포기한 거예요? 프로그램을 위해 얼마를 제안했나요?" (Just like that ? They just gave up their children like that ? How much money did you offer them for the program ?) Jin-Sang scoffed as he smirked. He seemed a bit annoyed with how concerned I was, but was willing to answer me. 

"구체적으로 말하면 649,283,600원입니다. 일곱 명의 영재들이 제 프로그램에 들어가기에는 꽤나 큰 돈입니다. 저는 그들의 친부모보다 더 그들의 부모를 닮았습니다, 장준 씨." (649,283,600 KRW to be specific. A pretty penny for seven gifted children to enter my program. I am more like their parent than their biological parents ever were, Jangjun.) This got me thinking back to when I was put in the cryogenic chamber. Had he offered my family money as well ? Just how much did he want me to continue as an operative ?

So I asked. I asked even though knowing the answer won't make me feel any less upset. "Did you offer my family money as well ? To keep me here as an operative after all that happened ?" Jin-Sang' playful expression grew increasingly cold as he answered me. His next few words sent chills down my spine. "Does that really matter ? You nearly ruined my program because of Yujin. I wasn't going to loose money because you were feeling traitorous, Jangjun...  I did what I needed to. Understood ?"

The walk back to headquarters was silent before I was dropped off with Dr. Lee once again at the lab. Just what had I gotten myself into now ?

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