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Hi there ! My name's Jangjun. I am from a city called Portia' Port in our country called Olympia. It is near water & outside the dorm that holds the capital, Ophelia City. Hopefully you are already familiar with my story...

It has been nearly 50 years since 2023. Almost 50 years ago technological advances were finally being released publicly & were affordable. Everything from holographic phones, androids, Cryogenic chambers & cloning machines. We can thank Syn.D for these advancements. I work for Syn.D, or better known as S.Y.N.D.I.C.A.T.E (A company that rivals the infamous N.I.G.H.T.M.A.R.E). I do still have some morality when it comes to what I know...

Ophelia City is closed in by a dome. As you may already know, this dome was a means of protecting the truth of Syn.D' Mythology Program. The famed Chemical G was also housed here at the HQ in Ophelia City...

This is the second retelling of my story. A means of learning what has happened since I learned everything... I have just woken up from my cryogenic chamber & realized that things truly weren't as I remembered them...


As for a little about me before we begin, I am the youngest son of three. I have two father & two older brothers. My older brother Yongchan, married his girlfriend Sun-Hee & had a daughter named Mi-Sun. My older brother, Yujin, is the reason I am in the position I am in. My brother also went off the radar the last time I was aware...

Does my brother pose a threat still ? What does this mean in the larger scale of things ? What will I become ?

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